From Finite Element Analysis to Virtual Engineering
报告人:Chongmin Song教授
Finite element analysis has transformed the way engineering analyses and designs are performed in practice. Currently, finite element analysis is too often still a time-consuming, expensive and daunting task in engineering, largely due to the human effort required to generate finite element models. Furthermore, digital images and visual reality models are increasingly popular in engineering, which poses additional challenges to the conventional finite element method.
In this presentation, our recent research on developing an environment for virtual engineering will be introduced. This research aims to save real time and money in engineering analysis and design. Underpinning this effort is the scaled boundary finite element method we have developed. This method allows the seamless integration of geometric models (in CAD, digital image and VR formats) and finite element analysis. Human interventions are greatly reduced in the analysis process. Potential applications, developments and benefits will be discussed with proof-of-concept type of examples.

Dr. Chongmin Song is a Professor at the School of Civil & Environmental Engineering,
New South Wales
. He obtained the degree of Bachelor of Engineering from
Tsinghua University
and the degree of Doctor of Engineering from the University of Tokyo, Japan. His current research interests are on the development of advanced numerical methods and their application to structural and geotechnical engineering.