Unconventional Routes to Colloidal Nanostructures
报告地点:新利18彩票 江浦校区浦江楼302会议室
报告摘要:Colloidal inorganic nanostructures have been in the focus of research interest for over three decades due to their unique chemical and physical properties that can be tuned by controlling their size, shape, surface, and special arrangement. From the point of view of synthesis, colloidal inorganic nanostructures are similar to artificial macromolecules in that they can be produced by joining monomer units together to form large ensembles through direct molecular reactions. Inorganic nanostructures are however also quite different from macromolecules in terms of structural and morphological rigidity, the nature of internal and surface bonds, and the surface reactivity, which enable many unconventional and indirect routes to these materials, and often produce nanostructures with forms that are difficult to obtain through conventional methods such as simple precipitation processes. For example, templating method uses a pre-existing guide with desired nanoscale features to direct the formation of nanostructures with unique crystal structures, morphologies and properties. In this talk, I will discuss a number of unconventional routes toward controlled nanostructure synthesis, including seeded growth and its combination with soft and hard templates for growing metal nanocrystals, and the use of nanoscale Kirkendall effect or other conversion chemistry for the creation of metal or compound nanostructures.
Prof. Yadong Yin received his B.S. (1996) and M.S. (1998) in Chemistry from the University of Science and Technology of China (with Prof. Zhicheng Zhang), and PhD (2002) from the University of Washington, Seattle (with Prof. Younan Xia). In 2003 he became a postdoctoral fellow at the University of California, Berkeley under the supervision of Prof. A. Paul Alivisatos, and then a staff scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in 2005. He joined the faculty at the Department of Chemistry, University of California, Riverside as an Assistant Professor in 2006, and then he was promoted to Full Professor in 2014. His research interest focuses on the synthesis, self-assembly, and functionalization of nanostructured materials for catalytic, analytical, and photonic applications. His recent recognitions include Cottrell Scholar Award (2009), DuPont Young Professor Grant (2010), 3M Nontenured Faculty Grant (2010), NSF CAREER award (2010), and NML Researcher Award (2016). He was ranked by Thomson Reuters among the Top 100 Chemists and Top 100 Materials Scientists in the world in the period of 2000-2010, as well as the Highly Cited Researcher in Chemistry (2014-2016) and Materials Science (2014), based on the citation impact. He is currently an associate editor of the Journal of Materials Chemistry C, and also serves on the editorial board for NPG Asia Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, SCIENCE CHINA Materials, and ChemNanoMat.
迄今为止,殷亚东教授共发表论文二百多篇,其中60余篇发表在Science、Nature及其子刊、JACS、Angewandte Chemie International Edition、Nano Letters、Advanced Materials等国际著名刊物上。SCI引用60000多次,H-index为96(谷歌学术)。除此之外,他还获得十多项美国专利,主持多项科研项目。同时,殷教授还是Journal of Materials Chemistry C副主编,汤普森路透2014和2015高引用科学家,并荣登“全球顶尖一百化学家榜单(2000-2010年)”。其获奖经历包括美国自然科学基金会(NSF)职业发展奖(2000-2015)、杜邦青年教授奖(2010-2013)、美国3M公司青年教授奖(2010-2012)、美国Cottrell学者奖、美国实验室自动化2010旅行奖、美国中美化学教授联合会杰出青年教授奖。