新利18彩票 与英国谢菲尔德大学进一步拓展独一无二的合作伙伴关系

时间:2015-11-02 来源: 作者: 摄影: 编辑: 上传:赵蕾


日前,英国谢菲尔德大学网站首页报道了我校与谢大签订设立联合学院协议。在国家主席习近平访英期间,谢菲尔德大学校长,Keith Burnett 爵士向习近平主席汇报了两校合作现状,共同探讨高等教育合作事宜。全文翻译如下:

新利18彩票 与英国谢菲尔德大学进一步拓展独一无二的合作伙伴关系

近日,新利18彩票 与英国谢菲尔德大学双方就成立“新利18彩票 谢菲尔德大学联合学院”签署了协议,这意味着双方对这种新的教育合作形式达成共识,为两校进一步的、全方位的合作并铺平道路。

在国家主席习近平访英期间,谢菲尔德大学校长,Keith Burnett 爵士向习近平主席汇报了两校合作现状,共同探讨高等教育合作事宜。此前不久,谢大已经与南工签署了一份独一无二的合作协议。双方就现阶段在化学、金融数学、材料物理(本科)专业进行全面的合作,学生将获得双方学位,双文凭;在研究生层面上,在高分子物理与化学 (硕士)、材料科学与工程(博士)专业上,双方建立联合导师,联合科研项目,共同培养科研储备人才,进一步推动两校在科研方面的紧密合作。

今年7月,校长黄维院士在拜访谢菲尔德大学时,就申报建立联合学院事宜,评论如下:“目前,开展的三个本科项目:化学、金融数学、材料物理,学生在最后一年转至谢菲尔德大学进行学习深造。 联合学院的申报,在获得中国教育部批准之后,学生可以在不出国门的情况下,仍可享受谢大优质的师资,先进的培养模式。当然,学生可自主选择不同的校园学习,可远渡重洋到英国谢大去体验。”


此次,协议签署之后,谢菲尔德大学校长Keith Burnett 表示:“我非常高兴能建立新利18彩票 谢菲尔德大学联合学院,这对两国亟需的科学领域的人才培养,有着举足轻重的作用。 这些优秀的毕业生能在中英两国更有效的合作与工作。”

同时他也表示:联合学院将培养大批既受东方文化也受西方文化影响的学生,这将巩固两国之间在重要学科领域的发展与合作。同时,我们将谢大业已成熟的、重要的学科领域与中国进行更具影响力的深度科研合作,特别是热门学科,如可持续性能源、食品健康以及其他更具挑战性的领域, 亟需中英两国精英的共同努力。

对于双方签署协议,筹备建立联合学院,校长黄维院士表示:“我们感到非常荣幸,与谢大建立联合学院,加强双方合作伙伴关系。 联合学院的建立不仅为中国学生提供了世界一流的教学资源,为中国及其他国家提供了科研机遇。同时,为中英两国年轻的学者和学术精英提供了学术与知识交流的平台,这将有助于中国、英国乃至于全世界其他国家的发展。”

University of Sheffield to expand unique partnership with Nanjing Tech University

• Agreement will establish a Joint Institute for Science in Nanjing
• Programmes will see staff from a Russell Group university teach students in their home country
• Courses now to be offered in Chemistry, Financial Mathematics and Materials Physics
A new collaboration between the University of Sheffield and Nanjing Tech University in China has been signed, paving the way for the establishment of a Joint Institute in Nanjing.

In the same week that University of Sheffield Vice-Chancellor Professor Sir Keith Burnett met with China’s President Xi Jinping to discuss higher education and university partnerships, the University has signed a unique Cooperation Agreement with Nanjing Tech University for degree programmes in Chemistry, Financial Mathematics and Materials Physics.

President of Nanjing Tech University, Huang Wei discussing the Joint Institute earlier this year.

Currently, the institutions work together to allow students to transfer to the University of Sheffield for their final year in these areas. However, the agreement with Nanjing Tech University to seek permission from the Chinese Ministry of Education to establish a Joint Institute will allow students to gain a Sheffield degree without leaving China as they will be taught by Sheffield staff in Nanjing. Students will still be able to transfer between the campuses as before should they wish to gain experience in Sheffield.

In addition, the Joint Institute will seek to develop Masters and PhD collaborations as well as joint research initiatives, starting with Green Chemistry. While many existing collaborations between UK and Chinese universities concentrate on business and engineering courses, the University of Sheffield and Nanjing Tech University are leading the way in developing such a comprehensive base for collaboration in science.

Professor Sir Keith Burnett, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Sheffield, said: “I am delighted to welcome the establishment of the Nanjing Tech-University of Sheffield Joint Institute, which will play a vital role in meeting the needs of both nations for outstanding science graduates able to understand and work effectively together in the UK and China.

“The Joint Institute will create a large cohort of graduates who have been taught in both the Western and Eastern traditions, forging links between our countries for the future in these very important areas. At the same time we will be able to build on the University of Sheffields already significant success in high-impact research collaboration in China, in particular in such vital areas as sustainable energy and food, health and other challenges which require the talents of both nations.”

Academician President Huang Wei from Nanjing Tech University commented: “We are delighted to strengthen our partnership with the University of Sheffield by means of establishing a Joint Institute, which will become a platform that not only offers world-class teaching and research opportunities for students in China as well as other countries, but also promotes knowledge exchange between young talents and scholars of our two countries, bringing benefit to China, Britain and the rest of the world."


