作为学位授予仪式的首要环节,推荐人、物理学家Mark Geoghegan教授用他专业精准的学术判断力和充满历史纵深感的诗般的语言,在授位致辞中讲述了黄维院士传奇的治学历程以及伟大的治校宏图,并历数了他与诺贝尔奖获得者Alan Heeger教授、帝国理工大学Donal Bradley教授等学界泰斗、学术同行并肩奋战的经历,赞扬了他在有机电子、石墨烯等前沿领域的杰出贡献、突出成就与崇高学术地位。同时,作为承担谢大海外事务的官员,Mark Geoghegan教授还列举了亲身体会,高度评价了黄维院士的战略智慧和远见卓识。“在两校的合作过程中,黄院士极大地促进了国际化合作学习的环境,构建起一个良性循环的平台。”尤为赞赏黄维院士对于中国科教进步、创新事业发展和海外高端人才引进方面做出的卓越贡献,“为创新驱动促进中国腾飞作出实实在在的贡献。”
在全场观众的注目中,黄维院士从谢菲尔德大学校长Keith Burnett教授手中接过了名誉博士学位证书,来自世界各地、身着节日盛装的师生和家长们见证了这一光荣和梦想的时刻。
黄维院士对谢菲尔德大学授予名誉博士学位致以诚挚谢意。他以“变革中的中国高等教育”为主题,以中英文化交流日益壮阔的时代为背景,回顾了新利18彩票 与谢菲尔德大学在人才培养、科技创新、文化交流等领域的合作历程,引用英国谚语,寄语美好未来。随之,他以“大历史观”的豪迈情怀,以英国李约瑟研究中国科学技术史为例,阐述了中国科技文明对于世界进步发展的贡献,宏观梳理和战略前瞻改革开放以来,中国高等教育与科技创新领域的发展脉络与发展前景,“展望2020年之后的未来二十年,我相信,随着经济的展翅腾飞,科技创新的前沿成果、高等教育的先进理念将根植于中国大地。镌刻有中国特色的大学将愈加自信地昂首阔步于世界大学之林。”他期待与国际科教同行共同见证,并与在座毕业生共勉,“坚守信仰、坚持信念、坚定信心”。
Keith Burnett校长在致辞中多次表达了对黄维院士的赞赏和感谢,并用他甚为标准的普通话向跨越发展和伟大复兴中的中国致以敬意。Keith Burnett校长是一位物理学家,与中国有不少渊源,对华夏文化情有独钟,对两国文化交流和国际关系发展充满信心。根据两校之间的合作部署,将在联合研发中心、合作办学机构等方面夯实基础、不断深化、携手共进,南工-谢菲尔德之间的密切合作将成为我校全球战略拓展版图中的重要一环。
据悉,在此番典礼上与黄维院士共同获得名誉博士殊荣的另一位学者,是以研究亚伯拉罕·林肯而闻名于世的杰出历史学家与政治学家,英国学术院院士,牛津大学圣体学院(Corpus Christi College)院长Richard Carwardine教授。
名誉博士学位是根据学术成就或对国家和社会所作出的贡献而授予的一种名誉性学术称号,我国授予名誉博士的要求为国内外卓越的学者、科学家或著名的政治家、社会活动家,经学位授予单位提名、由国务院学位委员会批准。在注重名誉高于一切的英国,授予名誉博士要求极为严格,需要精细遴选、层层把关,无论是颁证仪式筹备演练还是各个环节的安排部署都非常周密严谨,一丝不苟。宣传报道强度也非常密集,会后还安排了多家媒体记者采访等,在当地各大报纸乃至《China Daily》等报刊上对仪式情况均进行了大幅刊载。
The University of Sheffield
Degree Congregation, 22 July 2015
Professor Jim Feast, a former president of the Royal Society of Chemistry, and incidentally, a Chemistry graduate of our University, pointed out that the biggest challenge polymer chemists have is the control of the structure of their polymers. To make them pure and with predictable properties is an ongoing challenge, and is one of which Professor Huang Wei, whom we honour today, will be well aware.
In 1965, when the Beatles were flying high, and the British were buying a Ticket to Ride, Huang Wei was born in Hebei in North-east China. As a young man, he made the short journey to Beijing to obtain a degree in Chemistry from Peking University in 1985. He remained there to obtain an MSc and PhD, before leaving for the National University of Singapore, where he was later a founding member of the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering.
His rise was incessant, and in 2001 he became Professor in the Faculty of Engineering, National University of Singapore. This was only nine years after having obtained his PhD. The following year, he became the Director General of the Institute of Advanced Materials at Fudan University in Shanghai. After six years as Deputy President of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, he became President of Nanjing University of Technology in 2012, quickly changing its name to Nanjing Tech to reflect his ambitions for the University.
Isamu Akasaki, Hiroshi Amano and Shuji Nakamura won the 2014 Nobel Prize in Physics "for the invention of efficient blue light-emitting diodes which has enabled bright and energy-saving white light sources.” White light-emitting diodes, some ten times more efficient and 100 times more long lasting, are slowly replacing the incandescent lamps of yesteryear. These Nobel prize-winning LEDs are based on gallium nitride. Professor Huang does not work on this kind of semiconductor, but instead built his reputation in the field of plastic electronics. Plastics are inexpensive; and cost is not an advantage of gallium nitride devices, which have to be prepared in notoriously expensive fabrication facilities.
Professor Huang himself realised the importance of blue light, and set to work on improving and developing blue light-emitting polymers, and in particular a class of polymer known as the polyfluorenes. In his work with Professor Alan Heeger, himself the winner of the 2000 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Professor Huang was able to devise a synthetic route that would allow blue purity to be achieved, a key challenge in the synthesis of these polymers, and one that Jim Feast, a pioneer of plastic electronics, would understand.
Professor Huang’s more recent work on graphene is equally noteworthy. Graphene is the new hope of organic electronics, and has a multitude of applications. Professor Huang has been developing processing routes to create wires of graphene that can be used in biosensing applications. The ability to detect molecules quickly and cheaply has the capacity to revolutionise medicine, particularly when diagnostic techniques are required away from hospitals and laboratories.
Professor Huang has not only worked with Nobel laureates, but also has worked with one of last year’s recipients of a Doctor of Science honoris causa. Professor Donal Bradley CBE received his honorary degree in this building last year for his work on light-emitting polymers, and the two have collaborated fruitfully. However, this is not the only link between Sheffield and President Huang. Our two institutions have been working together for the past four years in teaching a cohort of students in Chemistry. Today, we have 20 Nanjing Tech/Sheffield students who are collecting their BSc degrees after a unique and deep partnership.
We are committed to educating students in partnership with Nanjing Tech, and in this unique scheme, students in Nanjing apply to take a Chemistry course, which involves spending their final year in Sheffield. In the first three years of the course, our own academics fly out to Nanjing to deliver their modules while Nanjing Tech academics also teach them for a Nanjing degree. This unique means of internationalising our teaching has been massively successful, as can be demonstrated by the very talented graduates here before you today.
Professor Huang has fostered an environment where internationalisation is a way of life in Nanjing. We are benefiting from his wisdom. In fact, so successful is the scheme that only one year later we started a degree in Financial Mathematics between the two institutions. Later this year, a joint Nanjing Tech/ University of Sheffield course in Materials Physics will commence. In fact, we have more exciting ideas planned for the future; watch this space!
In December 2011, Professor Huang was elected to the Chinese National Academy of Sciences. He is Chair Professor of the ‘Thousand Talents Program’ and the ‘Cheung Kong Scholars Program.’ The first programme is committed to encouraging Chinese scholars to return to their homeland, as well as to bring leading foreign academics into China. The second is designed to foster innovation in China. China is gradually catching up on leading western countries in terms of citations and number of publications in scientific research. These programmes lay the foundations for this growing success, and Professor Huang is therefore making a real contribution to China’s rise as a scientific force to be reckoned with.
Professor Huang Wei has a truly impressive publishing record, with over 600 papers to his name, and an h-index of 73. That means he has authored or co-authored 73 papers that have been cited 73 or more times. This is a huge achievement – better than that of many Nobel laureates – and reflects an astonishing mixture of impact and productivity.
Married to Minghui Ren, a senior executive in a large corporation, Professor Huang enjoys reading and teaching. As a successful scientist, an approachable educationalist and strategic thinker, he is a colleague of the highest order.
Vice-Chancellor, I present Huang Wei as eminently worthy to receive the degree of Doctor of Science honoris causa.
Dedicated to Belief, Faith and Confidence
Speech on the Graduation Ceremony 2015, Sheffield
Academician of CAS and President of Nanjing Tech University
Distinguished Vice Chancellor Keith Burnett, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Good Morning!
First, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the University of Sheffield for awarding me the Honorary Doctorate.
“All the world is a stage”. And this is truly a time of openness and innovation, a time when the Orient encounters the Occident and a time that calls for the east and the west to cooperate in the making of our futures. China and Britain are representatives of the oriental and occidental civilizations respectively. From “China Now” and “China Arts” a few years ago to the 2015 UK- China Year of Cultural Exchange, both countries are learning from each other and contributing to the progress of humankind by integrating traditional culture with modern civilization.
It has been five years since Nanjing Tech University and the University of Sheffield embarked on our collaboration in 2010. We have made inspiring achievements in talent cultivation, scientific innovation and cultural exchanges. Now, the Sino-UK Joint College co-established by Nanjing Tech University and the University of Sheffield will break new ground in the collaboration between our two universities. As the English proverb goes, one today is worth two tomorrows. Let us seize the opportunity together and promote the cooperation between two great countries in education, culture, science and technology.
Dr. Joseph Needham, the British scientist and historian, has done research on the history of Chinese science and technology. He pointed out in his monumental work that before the 16th century, China had made hundreds of scientific and technological inventions that were disseminated to Europe and directly facilitated the progress of western modernization. After centuries of depression, China has regained its vitality in recent decades. It is developing at an unprecedented speed and has made remarkable achievements. As the old Chinese saying goes, day by day, make it new, which means for every day on which you can improve yourself, let there be daily improvement. As a scientific researcher and university administrator, I feel honored to experience this passionate and great era with my colleagues and students.
The two decades between 1978 and 1998 was the time when China reconstructed its educational system and gradually conformed to the norms of international higher education. It was the time when China imported and assimilated the world’s advanced technology and scientific theories. It was also the time when China accumulated strength in scientific and technological innovation and higher education development.
The two decades between 1999 and 2019 have so far witnessed and will witness the booming of China. China continues to follow, but at the same time China begins to parallel in some research areas, and in a few directions, China even takes the lead.
In the future two decades after 2020, I am convinced that with the economic development of China, the fruits of technological innovations and the advanced philosophy of higher education will become deeply rooted and flourish in China. Chinese universities with with their own characteristics will top the ranks of world universities. I look forward to witnessing such progress with you.
As Isaac Newton put it, “I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only a boy playing on the sea-shore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.” The motto of Sheffield is “Rerum Cognoscere Causas” which means “To discover and pursue truth” in modern English. “The pursuit of truth” is also the fundamental principle upon which Nanjing Tech University is operated. On the graduation ceremony of 2015 NanjingTech post-graduate students, I delivered a speech on the theme “Dedicated to Truth” and gave my best wishes to the graduate students.
How time flies! Today’s ceremony in Sheffield reminds me of the time when I received my doctorate in Peking University 24 years ago. Life is full of ups and downs as the moon may wax and wane. In my pursuit of truth and excellence, I have experienced the joys and satisfaction of fruitful achievements as well as the sorrows and frustration of disheartening failures. No matter what situation I am confronted with, I would listen to myself, a voice from deep inside that could free me from worldly troubles. No tribulation could ever jeopardize my persistence nor my dedication to belief, faith and confidence.
I would like to quote Shakespeare’s Cymbeline, “Be not, as is our fangled world, a garment Nobler than that it covers: let thy effects. So follow, to be most unlike our courtiers, As good as promise.” I would like to share this with you who are in the first flush of youth, and I hope you can also dedicate yourselves to your belief, your faith and your confidence.
I would like to conclude by reiterating my gratitude for your invitation and for this great honor. My best wishes to all of you. Thank you.
从2010年起,南工与谢菲尔德的合作已走过五年。我们在人才培养、科技创新、文化交流等领域和衷共济,开拓进取,取得了鼓舞人心的成绩。如今,我们共建的新利18彩票 ——谢菲尔德大学中英联合学院,将开启双边合作的新起点、新平台、新境界。英国有句谚语:把握一个今天,胜似两个明天。让我们把握机遇,携手并进,为推动两国教育、文化、科技领域合作更上一层楼而努力!
牛顿曾说“真理的大海,让未发现的一切事物躺卧在我的眼前,任我去探寻”。贵校的校训是“To discover and understand the causes of things”,译成中文即为“探索真理,知其所以然”。追求真理同样是南工办学建校的宗旨,在今年南工的研究生毕业典礼上,我也以“忠于真理”向南工的毕业生们提出希冀与祝福。