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Prof. Pierre H. Dixneuf,conferred upon NanjingTech Honorary Professorship and delivered NanjingTech Global Vision Lecture

Prof. Pierre H. Dixneuf, member of the Institut universitaire de France, member of the European Academy of Sciences and professor of University of Rennes visited Nanjing Tech University on March 28th. He was conferred upon NanjingTech Honorary Professorship and delivered the first NanjingTech Global Vision Lecture in 2018.

Prof. Pierre H. Dixneuf expressed his appreciation for being conferred upon Honorary Professorship and his remarks full of humor and wisdom showed his affection for China and NanjingTech. Vice-President Gong Jianming, in his speech, hoped that the in-depth collaboration with Prof. Pierre H. Dixneuf would break new ground for NanjingTech scientific research, discipline construction and talent training.

After the ceremony, Prof. Pierre H. Dixneuf delivered a lecture entitled Catalyzed C-H Bond Activation/ Functionalization: from ruthenium to copper catalysts, the first NanjingTech Global Vison Lecture in 2018. Prof. Pierre H. Dixneuf shared with NanjingTech faculty and students the effective methods to produce organic heterocyclic compounds and the latest progress in organic green chemistry of his research team and held heated discussion with NanjingTech faculty and students. After the lecture, Vice-President Gong Jianming awarded Prof. Pierre H. Dixneuf the Certificate of NanjingTech Global Vision Lecture.

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