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Nationality: Russian Federation E-mails:  HYPERLINK "mailto:P.Troshin@skoltech.ru" P.Troshin@skoltech.ru,  HYPERLINK "mailto:troshin2003@inbox.ru" troshin2003@inbox.ru,  HYPERLINK "mailto:troshin@icp.ac.ru" troshin@icp.ac.ru Tel: +7-495-280-1481 (ext. 3383); +7-496-522-1418Scientific profile according to WEB OF SCIENCE Total number of publications >130; Total number of citations (citation index) � >2000; Hirsch index h=24. Scientific interests Organic and molecular electronics, semiconductors, solar cells, field-effect transistors, sensors, fullerene chemistry, electrochemical energy storage, conversion of atmospheric CO2 to artificial fuel using solar light energy (�solar fuel�). Academic profile 2015 � Associate Professor at Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology 2015 - Head of the Laboratory for Organic and Hybrid Materials for Medicine and Electronics 2013 � Leading researcher at the Institute for Problems of Chemical Physics of Russian Academy of Sciences 2011 � Head of the Group for Multifunctional Materials and Organic Electronics at the Institute for Problems of Chemical Physics of Russian Academy of Sciences. 2008 � Senior researcher at the Institute for Problems of Chemical Physics of Russian Academy of Sciences 2007 � Researcher at the Institute for Problems of Chemical Physics of Russian Academy of Sciences 2006 - PhD degree in physical chemistry 2003 � Diploma thesis in organic chemistry, Higher Chemical College of Russian Academy of Sciences. Teaching activity Supervised 9 PhD students (five of them presented their thesis in 2011-2015), 5 affiliated PhD students, 16 graduate students (12 of them have already finished and presented their diploma projects with �excellent� marks) and 4 young researchers from secondary school (three of them won all-Russia competition INTEL �Junior�). Developed university courses �Fullerene Chemistry� and �Organic Electronics� and was giving invited lectures at Ivanovo State University. Awards 2014 - Gold medal and diploma of the 17th Moscow International Exhibition of Inventions and Innovative Technologies "Archimed-2014" for the work �Novel organic semiconductor materials for photovoltaic devices: solar cells and photodetectors�. (Presented from the group of authors: P. A. Troshin, D. K. Susarova, A. V. Akkuratov, A. V. Mumyatov, O. A. Mukhacheva, I. E. Kuznetsov, I. V. Klimovich, V. F. Razumov ) 2009 � personal grant from the Russian President for �Novel n-type and p-type semiconductor materials and their composites for organic electronic devices: solar cells, photodetectors, light emitting diodes and field-effect transistors� 2008 � Zvorykin award from the Russian Innovation Convention and Russian Ministry for Science and Education in nomination �Internationally recognized young scientist�, 2008 � the most cited Russian young scientist according to Scopus, Russian Innovation Convention. 2005 � award from Frontier Carbon Corporation for the best presented research work; Scientific projects During the last 10 years was a coordinator (project leader) of more than 20 different research projects such as: - Grants of Russian Science Foundation (2 projects) - Grants of Russian Foundation for basic research (8 projects); - Grants of Russian President for young scientists (4 projects); - State contracts with Russian Ministry for Science and Education (3 project); - Grants within the research programs of the Presidium and Divisions of RAS (7 projects); - INTAS grants for young scientists (1 project); - contracts with Russian and foreign companies (3 projects) - contracts with Russian research centers (5 projects). Served as a project manager (performing duties of Principal Investigator) in 18 projects of different level between 2007 and 2015. Major collaborations with universities. Linz Institute for Organic Solar Cells (Austria); Ben Gurion University of the Negev (Israel); Technological University of Ilmenau, (Germany); Cyprus University of Technology (Cyprus); i-MEET: Materials for electronics and energy technology, Erlangen Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-N�rnberg, (Germany); Rega Institute for Medical Research, Laboratory of Virology and Chemotherapy (Belgium). Institute of Polymer Science and Engineering (Taiwan) Publications Published more than 130 papers in high-level international and Russian scientific journals. Made > 150 conference contributions. Ten selected publications: 1. P. A. Troshin, R. N. Lyubovskaya, I. N. Ioffe, N. B. Shustova, E. Kemnitz, S. I. Troyanov, �Synthesis and structure of the highly chlorinated [60]fullerene C60Cl30 with a drum-shaped carbon cage�, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 2005, 44, 235-237; 2. P. A. Troshin, A. G. Avent, A. D. Darwish, N. Martsinovich, A. K. Abdul-Sada, J. M. Street, R.Taylor �Isolation of Two Seven-Membered Ring C58 Fullerene Derivatives: C58F17CF3 and C58F18�, Science 2005, 309, 278; 3. P. A. Troshin, R. Koeppe, A. S. Peregudov, S. M. Peregudova, M. Egginger, R. N. Lyubovskaya, N. S. Sariciftci, Supramolecular association of pyrrolidinofullerenes bearing chelating pyridyl groups and zinc phthalocyanine for organic solar cells. Chem. Mater. 2007, 19, 5363-5372; 4. P. A. Troshin, H. Hoppe, J. Renz, M. Egginger, J. Yu. Mayorova, A. E. Goryachev, A. S. Peregudov, R.N. Lyubovskaya, G. Gobsch, N. S. Sariciftci, V. F. Razumov. Material solubility-photovoltaic performance relationship in design of novel fullerene derivatives for bulk heterojunction solar cells. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2009, 19, 779�788; 5. A. V. Akkuratov, D. K. Susarova, O. Kozlov, A. V. Chernyak, Y. L. Moskvin, L. A. Frolova, M. S. Pshenichnikov, P. A. Troshin, Design of (X-DADAD)n type copolymers with improved optoelectronic properties for bulk heterojunction organic solar cells. Macromolecules 2015, 48, 2013�2021 6. D. K. Susarova, N. P. Piven, A. V. Akkuratov, L. F. Frolova, M. S. Polinskaya, S. A. Ponomarenko, S. D. Babenko, P. A. Troshin, ESR spectroscopy as a powerful technique for probing the quality of conjugated polymers designed for photovoltaic applications. Chem. Comm., 2015, 51, 2239-2241 7. L. A. Frolova, N. P. Piven, D. K. Susarova, A. V. Akkuratov, S. D. Babenko, P.A. Troshin. ESR spectroscopy for monitoring photochemical and thermal degradation of conjugated polymers used as electron donor materials in organic bulk heterojunction solar cells. Chem. Comm., 2015, 51, 2242-2244 8. L.A. Frolova, N. N. Dremova, P. A. Troshin. Chemical origin of the p-type and n-type doping effects in the hybrid methylammonium - lead iodide (MAPbI3) perovskite solar cells. Chem. Comm.�2015, 51, 14917 9. A. F. Akbulatov, L. A. Frolova, D. V. Anokhin, K. L. Gerasimov, N. N. Dremova, P.�A. Troshin, Hydrazinium-loaded perovskite solar cells with the enhanced performance and stability. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016, DOI: 10.1039/C6TA08215G 10. L. A. Frolova, D. V. Anokhin, K. L. Gerasimov, N. N. Dremova, P.�A. Troshin. Exploring the effects of the Pb2+ substitution in MAPbI3 on the photovoltaic performance of the hybrid perovskite solar cells. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2016, 7, 4353"4357 Selected invited talks at conferences A. V. Akkuratov, I. E. Kuznetsov, I. V. Klimovich, D. K. Susarova, F. A. Prudnov, P.A. Troshin. Low band gap (X-DADAD)n type copolymers for stable and efficient bulk heterojunction organic solar cells. Baltic Polymer Symposium. 21-23 September 2016, Klaipeda, Lithuania, (invited talk). L. A. Frolova, A. F. Akbulatov, S. Luchkin, K. J. Stevenson, P. A. Troshin. Towards understanding the degradation of the lead halide based perovskites in thin films and photovoltaic devices. International Summit on HOPV Stability. 12-14 October 2016, Freiburg, Germany, (invited talk). P. A. Troshin. Towards understanding photochemical degradation of electron donor and acceptor components of organic bulk heterojunction solar cells. International Fall School on Organic Electronics, Moscow region, Russia, 20-25 September 2015 (invited talk) Pavel A. Troshin. �Some new approaches to the design of electron donor and electron acceptor materials for efficient organic solar cells� International Fall School on Organic Electronics, 21-26 September 2014, Moscow Region, Russia, plenary (tutorial) lecture Pavel A. Troshin, Ekaterina A. Khakina, A. A. Kushch and Jan Balzarini �Design of water soluble fullerene derivatives and their antiviral properties� E-MRS 2014 Spring Meeting, Lille, France, 26-29 May 2014, invited talk Alexander V. Akkuratov, Ekaterina A. Khakina, Diana K. Susarova, Irina V. Klimovich, Dmitry V. Novikov, Iliya E. Kuznetsov and Pavel A. Troshin. Design of novel conjugated polymers for organic electronics. Bilateral Russian-Taiwanese Symposium Polymers as a Basis for Advanced Materials 17 - 18 July 2014, Moscow, Russia, invited talk Pavel A. Troshin, Ekaterina A. Khakina, Regina R. Klimova, Sergey I. Troyanov, Nataliya E. Fedorova, Jan Balzarini and Alla A. Kushch. �Design of water soluble fullerene derivatives as promising lead compounds for antiviral pharmaceuticals� XII International Conference on Nanostructured Materials (NANO 2014), Moscow, Russia, 13-18 July 2014, invited talk P. A. Troshin, D. K. Susarova, O. A. Mukhacheva, A. E. Goryachev, S. A. Ponomarenko, D. A. M. Egbe, N. Serdar Sariciftci. New approaches to the material design for organic bulk heterojunction solar cells. The International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics (ICONO) and The Lasers, Applications, and Technologies (LAT) conference), Moscow, 2013, Invited talk. Pavel A. Troshin, Diana K. Susarova, Olga A. Mukhacheva, Andrey E. Goryachev, Sergei A. Ponomarenko, Daniel A. M. Egbe, N. Serdar Sariciftci and Vladimir F. Razumov. �New strategies of the material design for organic bulk heterojunction solar cells�, XXI International Materials Research Congress, 12 � 17 August 2012, Canc�n, Mexico, Invited talk. Pavel A. Troshin and Vladimir F. Razumov. Towards rational design of polymer/fullerene composites or organic bulk heterojunction solar cells. Rusnanotech, Nanotechnology International Forum, Moscow, October 26-28, 2011, Invited lecture. Books and monographs P. A. Troshin, and N. S. Sariciftci, Organic nanomaterials for efficient bulk heterojunction solar cells, in Organic Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Characterization, and Device Applications (eds T. Torres and G. Bottari), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2013, Hoboken, NJ, USA, Chapter 25, pp.�549-578. ISBN 978-1-118-01601-5 P. A. Troshin, N. S. Sariciftci, "Supramolecular Chemistry for Organic Photovoltaics", in Supramolecular Chemistry: From Molecules to Nanomaterials. J. W. Steed. and P. A. Gale (eds), John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Chichester, UK, 2012, Volume 5, Chapter 29, pp. 2725-2788 ISBN: 978-0-470-74640-0. P. A. Troshin, O. A. Troshin, R. N. Lyubovskaya, V. F. Razumov, Functional fullerene derivatives: $&.R�V X Z \ ^ � � � � � ���������pUp>pU,h�>�h�>�0JCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH 5h�>�h�>�0J?B*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phr�sH 0jh�>�0J?B*CJOJQJU^JaJphr�h� �B*CJaJmH phsH %hvdh� �B*CJaJmH phsH &hvdh� �5�;�B*CJ\�aJph#hvdh� �5�B*CJ\�aJph/h2fh� �5�B*CJOJQJ\�^JaJph)h� �5�B*CJOJQJ\�^JaJph$&R� J p � � � ���������]_kd$$If�l�0��lD%�� t��6�������������4�4� la�p�����yt� �$$7$8$H$Ifa$gd� � $7$8$H$Ifgd�>� $7$8$H$Ifgd� � 7$8$H$gd� � $7$8$H$a$gd� � � �   1 2 3 4 5 H Y [ \ m n p u  � � � � �����۷����ʢl]NBNB]h�>�CJaJmH sH h�>�h�>�CJaJmH sH h�P�h� �CJaJmH sH %hvdh� �B*CJaJmH ph�sH %h�P�h� �B*CJaJmH ph�sH h� �B*CJaJmH ph�sH (jh� �B*CJUaJmH ph�sH %hvdh� �B*CJaJmH phsH  h�k�h� �0JCJaJmH sH h� �B*CJaJmH phsH (jh� �B*CJUaJmH phsH � � � � � � � � � � �    " $ & ( * 7 9 : ; > R S t ��¬����������������vj��TDh� �B*CJaJmH phsH +h�m~h� �5�B*CJ\�aJmH phsH h�L�CJaJmH sH h_Z�h� �CJaJmH sH h�>�CJaJmH sH h�c�h� �CJaJmH sH h� �CJaJmH sH +h�c�h� �5�B*CJ\�aJmH phsH %h� �5�B*CJ\�aJmH phsH 7h�P�h� �5�B*CJOJQJ\�^JaJmH phsH hvdh� �CJaJmH sH � � � * > S F X � � j u�dvGN����678������������������������� $7$8$H$a$gd� � 7$8$H$gd� � �x�x7$8$H$gd� �t v � �   E F V X � � � duv�������ܷܤ�{kXIX�3����+h �h� �5�B*CJ\�aJmH phsH h_Z�h� �CJaJmH sH %h�B�h� �B*CJaJmH phsH h�>�B*CJaJmH phsH +h�c�h� �5�B*CJ\�aJmH phsH %h� �5�B*CJ\�aJmH phsH %h�m~h� �B*CJaJmH phsH (hm3sh� �B*CJH*aJmH phsH h�L�B*CJaJmH phsH h� �B*CJaJmH phsH %h�c�h� �B*CJaJmH phsH �����������?AJKQS����FGMNSUuw�g�������������������������ɳ����o���Z(hm3sh� �B*CJ\�aJmH phsH h�c�h� �CJ\�aJmH sH %h�c�h� �CJH*\�]�aJmH sH h� �CJ\�]�aJmH sH "h�c�h� �CJ\�]�aJmH sH +hhh� �5�B*CJ\�aJmH phsH %h� �5�B*CJ\�aJmH phsH %h�c�h� �B*CJaJmH phsH h� �B*CJaJmH phsH "  !�����}����'45678KL����ʻʨ���ʻʨ���ʜ��r`SCh�c�h� �CJ\�aJmH sH h� �CJ\�aJmH sH "h!�h� �5�CJ\�aJmH sH h� �5�CJ\�aJmH sH h�c�h�>�CJaJmH sH h�>�CJaJmH sH h� �CJaJmH sH %h�c�h� �B*CJaJmH phsH hm3sh� �CJaJmH sH h�c�h� �CJaJmH sH (hm3sh� �B*CJ\�aJmH phsH "h� �B*CJ\�aJmH phsH 8L��2s�M��En���(�78E�����������������������$a$gd_Z�gd� �$a$gd� � $�x�xa$gd� � $7$8$H$a$gd� � �x�x7$8$H$gd� ����#%&'/4dfghpu������ $?CJO{}������5;?BDEklmn�����������������������������������������յ����xh_Z�h� �CJaJmH sH hm3sh� �CJaJmH sH h�c�h� �CJaJmH sH hm3sh� �5�CJaJmH sH h!�h� �CJ\�aJmH sH h�c�h� �CJ\�aJmH sH h� �CJ\�aJmH sH h_Z�h_Z�CJ\�aJmH sH h_Z�CJ\�aJmH sH /�����'(�78DZ[������������������֢ʒ�w�h�ʃhwh�h�YJh� �5�6�CJaJmH sH h_Z�5�6�CJaJmH sH h�c�h� �CJaJmH sH h_Z�CJaJmH sH hm3sh� �CJaJmH sH hm3sh� �5�CJaJmH sH h_Z�h_Z�CJaJmH sH 1h_Z�h� �B*CJPJaJmH nHphsH tHh� �CJaJmH sH h_Z�h� �CJaJmH sH h_Z�h�>�CJaJmH sH h�>�CJaJmH sH �����; 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V. F. Razumov and M. V. Kluev Eds., 2nd edition, Ivanovo State University, 2010, 340 p., ISBN 978-5-7807-0792-9, in Russian Patents Prepared and filed 18 patent applications (11 of them are for international patents) and 12 granted patents (Russian Federation and PCT). {`|`~`�`�`�`�`�`�`�`�`�`�`�`�`�`�`�`aaa a.a0aFaHa^aeafagaha�������ҳ��ҡ���������������ynh_Z�h�*mH sH h_Z�h�P�mH sH h�c�h� �CJ\�aJmH sH h� �CJ\�aJmH sH "hm3sh� �5�CJ\�aJmH sH hm3sh� �CJaJmH sH h�c�h� �5�CJaJmH sH h�c�h� �CJaJmH sH hm3sh� �CJH*aJmH sH hm3sh� �CJaJmH sH 21�h:p�U���/ ��=!��"�8#��$��%����� ��e$$If�!vh#v�#v� :V �l t��65��5�� p�����yt� ��@shH2���� 0@P`p������2�� 0@P`p������ 0@P`p������ 0@P`p������ 0@P`p������ 0@P`p������ 0@P`p��8X�V~�������� 0@�� 0@�� 0@�� 0@�� 0@�� 0@�� 0@�� 0@�� 0@�� 0@�� 0@�� 0@�� 0@�� 0@_HmHnHsHtHJ`��J zl1KG=K9 CJPJ_HaJmHnHsHtHZZ �* 03>;>2>: 4$$@&a$5�CJ$PJaJmH sH tHBA ���B A=>2=>9 H@8DB 0170F0Xi@���X 1KG=0O B01;8F0�4� l4�a� .k ���. 5B A?8A:0 :U`���: zl 8?5@AAK;:0 >*B*ph�p��p zl !5B:0 B01;8FK7:V�0������T�T zl =0:�d�d[$\$ CJOJPJQJaJmH sH tH D�@"D zl 170F A?8A:0 ��^��PJtHx2x zl5@E=89 :>;>=B8BC;!$ ��9L r ��]��a$CJPJaJmH sH tH 6X`��A6 zl@ K45;5=85 5�6�\�]�l�Rl vd=0: =0: =0:1�d�d[$\$$CJOJPJQJ^JaJmH sH tH L�/��aL �*03>;>2>: 4 =0:5�CJ$mH sH tHJBrJ �*A=>2=>9 B5:AB$a$ PJaJtHB�/���B �*A=>2=>9 B5:AB =0:CJD�D �* "5:AB A=>A:8CJPJaJtH:���: �*"5:AB A=>A:8 =0:2& ���2 �* =0: A=>A:8H*R>�R �*0720=85$a$ CJ4OJPJQJaJmH sH tHJ�/���J �* 0720=85 =0:CJ4OJQJmH sH tHZJ�Z �* >4703>;>2>:$a$ CJ,OJPJQJaJmH sH tHR�/���R �*>4703>;>2>: =0:CJ,OJQJmH sH tHhYh !�*!E5<0 4>:C<5=B0 -D M� ��CJOJPJQJ^JaJtH^�/��^ �*!E5<0 4>:C<5=B0 =0:OJQJ^JfH q� ��^�"^�*Author"$ ��%a$'OJPJQJ^JaJmHnHsH tHuT�2T �*Title#$ ��%a$5�CJ PJ^JaJmH sH tHL�L �* Addresses$$��`��a$PJmH sH tH@�R@ �* Authors Full% ]�mH sH D�bD �*Authors &d��h6�CJmHsH,W ��q, �*`!B@>3895�\�6�/���6 �*primary-subjecth��h �* =0: =0: =0:)�d�d[$\$ CJOJPJQJaJmH sH tH V�/���V �*Default *7$8$H$!B*CJ_HaJmHphsHtHr��r �* =0: =0: Char Char +d���$CJOJ PJQJ ^J aJmH sH tH `��` �* =0: =0:2,�d�d[$\$ CJOJPJQJaJmH sH tH T��T �* Char-�d�d[$\$ CJOJPJQJaJmH sH tH ^ �^ /�*86=89 :>;>=B8BC; . �9r CJPJmH sH tH T�/���T .�*86=89 :>;>=B8BC; =0:aJmH sH tH h�h �* TTP Title0$�x7$8$a$*5�CJOJPJ QJ\�^JaJmH sH tH &�/��& �*doilinkf�"f �*=0: =0: =0:2�d�d[$\$ CJOJPJQJaJmH sH tH j�j �* TTP Author(s)3$�x7$8$a$$CJOJPJ QJ^JaJmH sH tH  �B  �*i=0: =0: =0: =0: =0: =0: =0: =0:1 =0: =0: =0: =0: =0: =0: =0: =0: =0: =0: =0: =0: =0:4d���8$$CJOJ PJQJ ^J aJmH sH tH B�/��QB �*apple-converted-space,�/��a, �* wmi-calltoh�/��rh�*01 Paper Title 7d����&5�CJ EH_HaJ mHnHsH tH uL��L �*18�d�d[$\$ CJOJPJQJaJmH sH tH *�/���* �* hithiliteP��P �* sourcetitle:�d�d[$\$PJmH sH tH J��J �*fr_field;�d�d[$\$PJmH sH tH (�/���( �*fr_labeln�n >�*02 Paper Authors=d�����$@�CJOJ PJ QJ aJmHsHtH^�/���^ =�*02 Paper Authors Char@�OJ PJ QJ mHsHtH&�o���& �>�_rpc_41PK!����[Content_Types].xml���N�0E�H���-J��@%�ǎǢ|�ș$�ز�U��L�TB� l,�3��;�r��Ø��J��B+$�G]��7O٭V�� �M�]D.L=d{}|[�E\� ��~���� <ژqq��f�u?s���p���l��٤��{�f�_�x�u��j���s�4��s.�o�uo��9v����j�\4����  ����5|�@ ��x �y�r�xj�5|��l{u�@!%����w��b�d��+��{�ji�|��jȫmn1b�8n�e�k�` )$v�l�gh�� j��\"� q�b�a�p*t e�+="u�"�60Ҭ%O`�׆$?�2" �c��j�wo|���sx����_<8��s�ȱ���n�����~t����7 ~a�s��o���s;v� �� ��x���o����lж�s�2�s���b`2��ɛy�cdt�f<�(fr��� ���ȃka3�7�����a�&sa, ���b��xb��e9���4�'o�:�b�����l'����2�a�*e�@cc����ɩ��$ĉ�$���pn���5$}�mt���� 3aȷ��n�q۪�x�d�]���|s#���t��沏"����do� t\� ��s�t��s�͕֫%�"ȋ="�[t��D���K�1�f;A���" �#q�c?�;p�ȹʄ ���;d~�<���t� �h����:(�niy �ib��y̌����a%5�="�H�Zq_�u���u�_?���" z3!�;�Š��[�%cr������u ��z{'�����k�q����f�|˭b�uw�������'f_�j+ϡs �0(���\�="�MB��w6Lh��" r6n��gd��m`�_t��1��sg�8<�a�o���h� ���bq> ��b‘X��l=D��T��h�{�v���훐�&3I�-$��A$� A��P+{+,�5�~��5@-� l�؀5\�0�',D�P�)M�"�*�o3�GӨ�W,*`���z�����R;F� Z��$TdTO�!�yu����x�\ח)5��P�����4��cq�\�ݪ6�XW ;{ �R��dh�pG�.� ��[`D��m ��?��L.ڈ�i���j�������gi���ŭXA8��� +��$�L2��@�i�Fd�ӏ��VX�U�'KK6�t��ឳM��5%�W�2�C��mP1�����LȖ��Ҙ沫�oT5��#: Ѽ��b�•�gtԧ,ڧ��!�ZH�p{,�T��f]#�pd�}����&�˞i���v3fX���X���k�!M�;|*ݫ�[_h��>!��,~��{���Q[NfP���eXj�|������q������ە�e=�: ����j���h��T�VG%�Q۾�ц��S*�J%L$6D=�'Ien��b~k��3MHýS�^P�\��wr^�+�j~��k�~���v�t�����t����k��ځM�x�vf�� 1,"d����� � t �����1 L#&L(l*�2{`ha !"$%'()*+,-/1� 8��1ha#&.����14[m1,X��X��X���8�@�����������0�( � ��B �S ���� ?��� OLE_LINK4 OLE_LINK5 OLE_LINK1 OLE_LINK2 OLE_LINK10��g*3,  �+0,0,3,�� B!B"B#B$B ��Q+Q+�+3,��X+X+�+3,8*�urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags�City�B*�urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags�country-region�9*�urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags�place�C*�urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags�metricconverter� "�9, in �ProductID kqs{v~0 > m t | � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ����()�������#(/7?������� %)9A����������"$2BWjq���� &/6AFLT^fm���&/7?DJRZbiqx�����DLTYajry��������how|��������JX������� _hpw���������������������� IPX_gpx��ajr{��������U]_h�������������������������� #$018:GHNOQW`hov~�� ����� � � � � � � � � � �!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!"" 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