
陶友田 ▍TAO You-Tian
添加时间:2016/03/14 发布: 管理员





办公地点:南京市新模范马路5号 新利18彩票 丁家桥校区


2002年9月-2006年7月: 武汉大学化学与分子科学学院,化学基地班,理学学士


12/2009-04/2011 Visiting PhD student in Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge(UK, Supervisor: Prof. Wilhelm Huck)
Research topic: Conjugated polyelectrolytes as interface materials in polymer light-emitting devices, polymer light emitting and photovoltaic materials.
09/2006- 06/2011 Ph.D in Materials Physics and Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Wuhan University(China, Co-supervisor: Prof. Chuluo Yang & Jingui Qin)
Research topic: Bipolar transport host materials for highly efficient phosphorescent light-demitting devices, and phosphorescent heavy metal complexes as triplet emitters in OLEDs.
09/2005-06/2006 Visiting undergraduate student in Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry (CIAC), Chinese Academy of Sciences(Supervisor: Prof. Dongge Ma)
Research topic: Organic/polymeric light emitting devices and device physics.
09/2002-06/2006 BSci in Chemistry, Wuhan University

2011年7月至2012年12月: 英国剑桥大学化学系博士后研究
2012年12月至今: 新利18彩票 教授


07/2011-12/2012 Research Associate, University of Cambridge (UK)
Research topic: phosphorescent polymer light-emitting materials magnetic field effect of electroluminescence, conjugated polymer photovoltaic and FET materials. (Supervisor: Prof. Wilhelm Huck & Prof. Richard Friend)
12/2012-present Associate Professor, Nanjing University of Technology (Nanjing, China)



Organic electronics, including materials synthesis and device physics: (1) organic/polymer light-emitting materials, such as fluorescent emitters, phosphorescent triplet emitters (Ir, Pt and Ru complexes), phosphorescent organic host materials, electron/hole transport materials, conjugated fluorescent/phosphorescent polymers and conjugated polyelectrolytes as interface materials; (2) organic/polymer light-emitting devices and device physics; (3) organic/polymer photovoltaic materials and devices; (4) organic/polymer field effect transistor materials.

















  • 2015 First Class of Natural Science Prize of Hubei Province
  • 2013 National hundred excellent PhD dissertation
  • 2012 Excellent Dissertation for doctor degree in Hubei Province
  • 2010 Zhang Gaoyong Chemistry prize for excellent graduate student in Wuhan University
  • 2010 National Lu Jiaxi chemistry prize for excellent graduate student in China
  • 2009 Antai Creative Scholarship for graduate student (the highest in Wuhan University)
  • 2009 Selected as one of the 25 excellent PhD students in China to participate in the 59th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings in Germany (~1 out of 500)
  • 2008 First-class prize for excellent graduate student in Wuhan University
  • 2006 First-class prize of Excellent Dissertation for bachelor degree in Hubei Province
  • 2005 Samsung First-class Scholarship (the highest for undergraduate in the University)
  • 2004 National Scholarship for excellent students in China
  • 主持或参加科研项目及人才计划项目情况
  • 1. 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目,三线态有机太阳能电池材料、器件及相关机理研究,2018/01-2020/12,直接经费:180万元,在研,主持。
  • 2. 国家重点研发计划政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项中国与欧盟合作项目,2016YFE0112000,钙钛矿光电子,2016/12-2019/11,372万元,参加。
  • 3. 江苏省自然科学基金杰出青年基金项目,BK20160042,p-n型有机/高分子光电材料,2016/07-2019/06,100万元,在研,主持。
  • 4. 国家重点基础研究发展计划(青年973计划),2014CB648300,可印刷塑料电子材料及其大面积柔性器件相关基础研究,2014/1-2018/12,500万元,在研,参加。
  • 5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,61474062,p-n型有机发光材料的绿色合成及其高效率白光OLED器件,2015/01-2018/12,93万元,在研,主持。
  • 6. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,21304047,D-A型二元嵌段共聚物的合成及其在单一组分全聚合物太阳能电池中的应用,2014/01-2016/12,25万元,已结题,主持。
  • 7. 江苏省自然科学基金青年项目,BK20130919,以噁二唑为核的多维星形有机光电材料的设计合成及应用,2013/7-2016/6,20万元,已结题,主持。
  • 8. 江苏省六大人才高峰,A类资助,2018/1-2019/12,15万元。
  • 9. 江苏省“333高层次人才培养工程”第二层次中青年领军人才,2016年,20万元。
  • 10. 全国优秀博士学位论文作者专项资金,201436,2014/1-2018/12,32万元。


  • 1. Cao Xudong; Zhang Xianping; Wang Menghan; Shi Dengke; Wu Qingjing; Tao Youtian*; Huang Wei. Systematically tuning of optoelectronic properties from electron donating to accepting substituents on bicarbazole/cyanobenzene hybrids: Host to dopant materials for phosphorescent and delayed fluorescence OLEDs. Organic Electronics, (2018), 52, 22-31.

    2. Jiang Tao; Wang Fangfang; Chao Tang; Zhang Xinwen*; Cao Xudong; Tao Youtian*; Huang Wei. Carbazole/phenylpyridine hybrid compound as dual role of efficient host and ligand of iridium complex: Well matching of host-dopant for solutionprocessed green phosphorescent OLEDs. Dyes and Pigments, (2018), 150, 130-138.

    3. Wang Fangfang; Cao Xudong; Mei Ling; Zhang Xinwen*; Hu Jia; Tao Youtian*. Twisted penta-Carbazole/Benzophenone Hybrid Compound as Multifunctional Organic Host, Dopant or Non-doped Emitter for Highly Efficient Solution-Processed Delayed Fluorescence OLEDs. Chinese Journal of Chemistry, (2018), 36, 241-246.

    4. Gao Xuyu, Wang Menghan, Cao Xudong, Yang Jie, Zhong, Yu, Zhang Zhiguo, Li Cheng, Huettner Sven, Tao Youtian*, Li Yongfang, Huang Wei. Cyclometalated Pt complex based random terpolymers as electron acceptors for all polymer solar cells. Journal of Polymer Science Part A- Polymer Chemistry, (2018), 56, 105-115.

    5. Wang Menghan; Xue Zhongyuan; Wang Zhiwei; Ning Weihua; Zhong Yu; Liu Yanan; Zhang Chunfeng; Huettner Sven; Tao Youtian*. Slight Structural Disorder in Bithiophene-based Random Terpolymers with Improved Power Conversion Efficiency for Polymer Solar Cells. Chinese journal of polymer science, (2018), DOI: 10.1007/s10118-018-2128-5.

    6. Zhang Di; Cao Xudong; Wu Qingjing; Zhang Mucan; Sun Ning*; Zhang Xianping; Tao Youtian*. Purely organic materials for extremely simple all TADF white OLEDs: a new carbazole/oxadiazole hybrid material as a dual-role non-doped light blue emitter and highly efficient orange host. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, (2017), DOI: 10.1039/c7tc04969b.

    7. Cao Xudong; Zhang Di; Zhang Shiming*; Tao Youtian*; Huang Wei. Cn-containing donor-accepter type small molecular materials for thermally activated delayed fluorescence oleds. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, (2017), 5, 7699-7714.

    8. Wan Zheng; Yang Jie; Liu Yanan; Wang Shifan; Zhong Yu; Li Cheng; Zhang Zhiguo*; Xing Guichuan; Huettner Sven; Tao Youtian*; Li Yongfang; Huang Wei. Cyclometalated Pt complex based random terpolymers for efficient polymer solar cells. Polymer Chemistry, (2017), 8, 4729-4737.

    9. Xue Zhongyuan; Wang Shifan; Yang Jie; Zhong Yu; Qian Min; Li Cheng; Zhang Zhiguo*; Xing Guichuan; Huettner Sven*; Tao Youtian*; Li Yongfang; Huang Wei. Enhanced power conversion efficiency in iridium complex based terpolymers for polymer solar cells, npj Flexible Electronics, (2017), DOI: 10.1038/s41528-017-0014-9.

    10. Wang Shifan; Liu Yanan; Yang Jie; Tao Youtian*; Guo Yan; Cao Xu-dong; Zhang Zhiguo*; Li Yongfang; Huang Wei*. Orthogonal solubility in fully conjugated donor-acceptor block copolymers: compatibilizers for polymer/fullerene bulk-heterojunction solar cells. Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, (2017), 35, 207-218.

    11. Li Tingting; Yang Dongliang; Zhai Liuqing; Wang Suiliang; Zhao Baomin; Fu Nina*; Wang Lianhui*; Tao Youtian; Huang Wei*. Thermally activated delayed fluorescence organic dots (TADF Odots) for time-resolved and confocal fluorescence imaging in living cells and in vivo. Advanced Science, (2017), 4, 1600166-1600176.

    12. Zhao Lingyun; Liu Yanan; Wang Shifan; Tao Youtian*; Wang Fangfang; Zhang Xinwen*; Huang Wei*. Novel hyperbranched polymers as host materials for green thermally activated delayed fluorescence OLEDs. Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, (2017), 35, 490-502.

    13. Hu Jia; Zhao Chenyang; Zhang Tianmu; Zhang Xianping; Cao Xudong; Wu Qingjing; Chen Yonghua*; Zhang Di; Tao Youtian*; Wei Huang. Isomeric N-linked benzoimidazole containing new electron acceptors for exciplex forming hosts in highly efficient blue phosphorescent OLEDs. Adv Optical Mater, (2017), 5, 1700036.

    14. Hu Jia; Zhang Xianping; Zhang Di, Cao Xudong; Jiang Tao; Zhang Xinwen*; Tao Youtian*. Linkage modes on phthaloyl/triphenylamine hybrid compounds: Multi-functional AIE luminogens, non-doped emitters and organic hosts for highly efficient solution-processed delayed fluorescence OLEDs. Dyes and Pigments, (2017), 137, 480-489.

    15. Cao Xudong; Hu Jia; Tao Youtian*; Yuan Wenbo; Jin Jie; Ma Xiaoxuan; Zhang Xinwen*; Huang Wei*. Alkyl effects on the optoelectronic properties of bicarbazole/cyanobenzene hybrid host materials: Double delayed fluorescent host/dopant systems in solution-processed OLEDs. Dyes and Pigments, (2017), 136, 543-552.

    16. Wang Shifan; Yang Qingqing; Tao Youtian*; Guo Yan; Yang Jie; Liu Yanan; Zhao Lingyun; Xie Zhiyuan; Huang Wei*, Fully conjugated block copolymers for single-component solar cells: synthesis, purification, and characterization. New Journal of Chemistry, (2016), 40, 1825-1833.

    17. Wang Shifan; Yang Jie; Broch Katharina; Novak Jiri; Cao Xudong; Shaw Jessica; Tao Youtian*; Hu Yuanyuan*; Huang Wei*. Direct C-H arylation for various Ar-cored diketopyrrolopyrrole containing small molecules in solution-processed field-effect transistors. RSC Advances, (2016), 6, 57163-57173.

    18. Liu Yanan; Wan Shifan; Tao Youtian*; Huang Wei*. Heavy metal complex containing organic/polymer materials for bulk-heterojunction photovoltaic devices, Chinese Chemical Letters, (2016), 27, 1250-1258.

    19. Li Jing; Ding Dongxue; Tao Youtian; Wei Ying; Chen Runfeng; Xie Linghai; Huang Wei*; Xu Hui*. A significantly twisted spirocyclic phosphine oxide as a universal host for high-efficiency full-color thermally activated delayed fluorescence diodes. Advanced Materials, (2016), 28, 3122-3130.

    20. Jiang Tao; Yang Jie; Tao Youtian*; Fan Cong; Xue Lingwei; Zhang Zhiguo*; Li Hai; Li Yongfang; Huang Wei*. Random terpolymer with a cost-effective monomer and comparable efficiency to PTB7-Th for bulk-heterojunction polymer solar cells. Polymer Chemistry, (2016), 7, 926-932.

    21. Jiang Tao; Xue Zhongyuan; Ford Michael; Shaw Jessica; Cao Xudong; Tao Youtian*; Hu Yuanyuan*; Huang Wei*. An ultra-low bandgap diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP)-based polymer with balanced ambipolar charge transport for organic field-effect transistors. RSC Advances, (2016), 6, 78720-78726.

    22. Tang Chao; Bi Ran; Tao Youtian*; Wang Fangfang; Cao Xudong; Wang Shifan; Jiang Tao; Zhong Cheng; Zhang Hongmei*; Huang Wei*. A versatile efficient one-step approach for carbazole-pyridine hybrid molecules: highly efficient host materials for blue phosphorescent OLEDs. Chemical Communications, (2015), 51, 1650-1653.

    23. Tang Chao; Yang Tao; Cao Xudong; Tao Youtian*; Wang Fangfang; Zhong,Cheng; Qian Yan; Zhang Xinwen*; Huang Wei*. Tuning a weak emissive blue host to highly efficient green dopant by a CN in tetracarbazolepyridines for solution-processed thermally activated delayed fluorescence devices. Advanced Optical Materials, (2015), 3, 786-790.

    24. Tang Chao; Bi Ran; Cao Xudong; Fan Cong; Tao Youtian*; Wang Shifan; Zhang Hongmei*; Huang Wei*. Cost-effective synthesis of a-carboline/pyridine hybrid bipolar host materials with improved electron-transport ability for efficient blue phosphorescent OLEDs. RSC Advances, (2015), 5, 65481-65486.

    25. Wang Fangfang; Hu Jia; Cao Xudong; Yang Tao; Tao Youtian*; Mei Ling; Zhang Xinwen*; Huang Wei*. A low-cost phenylbenzoimidazole containing electron transport material for efficient green phosphorescent and thermally activated delayed fluorescent OLEDs. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, (2015), 3, 5533-5540.

    26. Wang Fangfang; Tao Youtian*; Huang Wei*. Recent progress of host materials for highly efficient blue phosphorescent OLEDs. Acta Chimica Sinica, (2015), 73, 9-22.

    27. Qian Min; Zhang Ran; Hao Jingyu; Zhang Wenjun; Zhang Qin; Wang Jianpu; Tao Youtian*; Chen Shufen*; Fang Junfeng; Huang Wei*. Dramatic enhancement of power conversion efficiency in polymer solar cells by conjugating very low ratio of triplet iridium complexes to PTB7. Advanced Materials, (2015), 27, 3546-3552.

    28. Wang Shifan; Yang Jie; Zhang Zhiguo; Hu Yuanyuan; Cao Xudong; Li Hai; Tao Youtian*; Li Yongfang*; Huang Wei*. A new V-shaped triphenylamine/diketopyrrolopyrrole containing donor material for small molecule organic solar cells. RSC Advances, (2015), 5, 68192-68199.

    29. Wang Shifan; Guo Yan; Yang Jie; Tao Youtian*; Huang Wei*. Engineering of energy levels for fully conjugated D-A block copolymers via tuning the ratios of donor P3HT and acceptor PNDIT. Chinese Journal of Chemistry, (2015), 33,865-872.

    30. Mei Ling; Hu Jia; Cao Xudong; Wang Fangfang; Zheng Chao; Tao Youtian*; Zhang Xinwen*; Huang Wei*. The inductive-effect of electron withdrawing trifluoromethyl for thermally activated delayed fluorescence: tunable emission from tetra- to penta-carbazole in solution processed blue OLEDs. Chemical Communications, (2015), 51, 13024-13027.

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