
李荪荪 ▍LI Sun-Sun
添加时间:2021/09/07 发布:




办公地点:新利18彩票 丁家桥校区科技创新大楼D





2021至今:教授,新利18彩票 先进材料研究院(IAM)

2018.07 – 2020.12:博士后,北京分子科学国家研究中心-中国科学院化学研究所

2013.09 – 2018.06:博士,中国科学院化学研究所

2009.09 – 2013.06:学士,北京科技大学





研究主要面向新型光电子器件,如有机光伏电池等,进行光电材料的设计合成。近年来,基于所制备的有机光伏材料的电池器件取得了多个世界领先的效率结果。目前,在J. Am. Chem. Soc., Adv. Mater., Adv. Energy Mater.等高水平期刊上发表论文40余篇,被引9000余次,H指数32(数据来源于Web of Science)。参与撰写学术专著章节1篇。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金等国家级及省部级项目3项。






1.S. Li, L. Ye, W. Zhao, H. Yan, B. Yang, D. Liu, W. Li, H. Ade and J. Hou. A Wide Band Gap Polymer with a Deep Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital Level Enables 14.2% Efficiency in Polymer Solar Cells.Journal of the American Chemical Society,2018,140, 7159-7167. (ESI Highly Cited Paper; Top 5 Most-Cited Publication in JACS for 2018-2019; Top 100 Most Influential International Academic Paper in China for 2018-2019; Highlighted byC&EN)

2.S. Li, L. Ye, W. Zhao, S. Zhang, S. Mukherjee, H. Ade, J. Hou. Energy-Level Modulation of Small-Molecule Electron Acceptors to Achieve over 12% Efficiency in Polymer Solar Cells.Advanced Materials,2016,28, 9423-9429. (ESI Highly Cited Paper; The Most-Cited Article Published in Wiley for 2016-2017; Academic Paper that Arouse Wide Interests in Beijing)

3.S. Li, L. Ye, W. Zhao, X. Liu, J. Zhu, H. Ade, J. Hou, Design of a New Small-Molecule Electron Acceptor Enables Efficient Polymer Solar Cells with High Fill Factor.Advanced Materials,2017,29, 1704051.

4.S. Li, H. Zhang, W. Zhao, L. Ye, H. Yao, B. Yang, S. Zhang, J. Hou. Green-Solvent-Processed All-Polymer Solar Cells Containing a Perylene Diimide-Based Acceptor with an Efficiency over 6.5%.Advanced Energy Materials2016,6, 1501991. (ESI Highly Cited Paper; Highlighted byMaterialsViewsChina)

5.S. Li, L. Ye, W. Zhao, S. Zhang, H. Ade, J. Hou. Significant Influence of the Methoxyl Substitution Position on Optoelectronic Properties and Molecular Packing of Small-Molecule Electron Acceptors for Photovoltaic Cells.Advanced Energy Materials2017,7, 1700183.

6.S. Li, W. Zhao, J. Zhang, X. Liu, Z. Zheng, C. He, B. Xu, Z. Wei, J. Hou. Influence of Covalent and Noncovalent Backbone Rigidification Strategies on the Aggregation Structures of a Wide-Band-Gap Polymer for Photovoltaic Cells.Chemistry of Materials2020,32, 1993-2003. (Excellent Innovative Achievements of the National Postdoctoral Program for Innovative Talents)

7. J. Huang,S. Li*, J. Qin, L. Xu, X. Zhu*, and L. Yang*, Facile Modification of a Noncovalently Fused-Ring Electron Acceptor Enables Efficient Organic Solar Cells,ACS Appl. Mater. Inter.,2021.

8.S. Li, L. Ye, Q. Wang, S. Zhang, W. Zhao, J. Hou. Improving the open-circuit voltage of alkylthio-substituted photovoltaic polymers via post-oxidation.Organic Electronics2016,28, 39-46.

9.S. Li, K. Jiang, F. Zhang, J. Huang, S. Li, M. Chen, L. Yang, Y. Song. New diketopyrrolopyrrole-based organic dyes for highly efficient dye-sensitized solar cells.Organic Electronics2014,15, 1579-1585.

10.S. Li, K. Jiang, C. Yu, J. Huang, L. Yang, Y. Song. A 2,7-pyrene-based dye for solar cell application.New Journal of Chemistry2014,38, 4404-4408.

11. W. Zhao,S. Li, H. Yao, S. Zhang, Y. Zhang, B. Yang, J. Hou. Molecular Optimization Enables over 13% Efficiency in Organic Solar Cells.Journal of the American Chemical Society2017,139, 7148-7151. (ESI Highly Cited Paper; Top 5 Most-Cited Publication in JACS for 2017-2019; Top 100 Most Influential International Academic Paper in China for 2017-2018)

12. D. Qian, Z. Zheng, H. Yao, W. Tress, T. R. Hopper, S. Chen,S. Li, J. Liu, S. Chen, J. Zhang, X.-K. Liu, B. Gao, L. Ouyang, Y. Jin, G. Pozina, I. A. Buyanova, W. M. Chen, O. Inganäs, V. Coropceanu, J.-L. Bredas, H. Yan, J. Hou, F. Zhang, A. A. Bakulin, F. Gao,Nat. Mater.2018,17, 703-709. (ESIHighly Cited Paper)

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