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添加时间:2014/06/02 发布: 管理员


Opening Remarksat International Symposium on Optoelectronics, Materials and Energy

Distinguished Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good morning!

As Confucius, the greatest Chinese philosopher and educator put it, "Isn’t it a pleasure to have friends coming from afar!" Indeed, I’m highly honored and pleasant to be with you, my friends from home and abroad. On behalf of our team members and peers, I would like to extend our warm welcome to you to International Symposium on Optoelectronics, Materials and Energy (iSOME-2014) held in Nanjing, a metropolis steeped in a long history integrated with a brilliant modern culture.

iSOME-2014 is co-hosted by Key Laboratory for Organic Electronics & Information Displays (KLOEID), The Collaborative Innovation Center for Advanced Materials and Nanjing Tech University.

As you know, since 2012, Chinese Government has launched a new strategic plan called “2011 Plan” to promote higher education and encourage universities to establish Collaborative innovation centers. As president of NanjingTech, I advocate the “2011 Plan”. Thanks to the concerted efforts from the entire university, in 2013, Nanjing Tech University was listed in “2011 Plan”, and became one of the first-batch national 2011 universities. The Collaborative Innovation Center for Advanced Materials led by NanjingTech, has become an essential ingredient of national “2011 Plan” platform. Therefore, iSOME-2014 can be considered as an important opportunity for international collaborative innovation and the development of the Collaborative Innovation Center for Advanced Materials.

In addition, it is a tradition of our IAM team to host symposiums where we exchange achievements and experience, share ideas and opinions, strengthen cooperation and friendship with international peers. It is also important representation of IAM’s cooperative and opening-up spirits.

“IAM” is short for Institute of Advanced Materials. In 1996, I constructed the Laboratory of Organic Electronics and Information Displays with colleagues at the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, Singapore (IMRE). After I returned to China in 2002, I led the team to set up the Institute of Advanced Materials at Fudan University. In 2006, our IAM team moved to Nanjing, hence the establishment of the Institute of Advanced Materials at Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications in 2006. Over a short span of three years, remarkable progress has been achieved. We were entitled to set up Key Laboratory for Organic Electronics & Information Displays (KLOEID) by the Ministry of Science and Technology, PRC, and Jiangsu-Singapore Joint Research Center on Organic/Bio Electronics & Information Displays with Singaporean universities and institutes. In 2012, we established the Institute of Advanced Materials and the sub-center of Organic Optoelectronic Materials and Devices, an important part of the Collaborative Innovation Center for Advanced Materials at Nanjing Tech University.

Since we went back to China from Singapore, we have held such symposiums as IAM-NUS Workshop in 2004, Sino-Singapore Symposium on Advanced Materials in 2008, Sino-Singapore Symposium on Nanotechnology & Organic Electronics in 2010, and International Symposium on Bio, Organic, & Nano Electronics in 2012, International Symposium on Optoelectronics, Materials and Energy in 2013 and so on and so forth. This ten year has witnessed growing scale, friendship and cooperation, transformation from bilateral cooperation to multilateral cooperation. Through these symposiums, we welcome more and more peers to join us for cooperation in pursuit of excellence.

Ladies and Gentlemen, please allow me to introduce the distinguished,guests,Scientists and Experts attending this Symposium.

Prof. Fred Wudlat University of California, Santa Barbara, a renowned leading scientist in organic optoelectronics, Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Prof. Chad A. Mirkin at Northwestern University, a famous leading scientist in nanoscience, Member of the National Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Medicine, the National Academy of Engineering, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Member of the President’s Council of Science & Technology (PCAST, Obama Administration).

Prof. Milan Mrksich at Northwestern University, Henry Wade Rogers Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Chemistry and Cell and Molecular Biology.

Prof. RatneshLal in Department of Medicine, at University of California, San Diego, acting as director of Center for Nanomedicine.

Prof. John C De Mello in the Department of Chemistry at Imperial College, Dr Martin J Heeney, Dr Paul N Stavrinou, Dr Natalie Stingelin at Imperial College.

Our old friend, Jose Oliveira, Editor-in-Chief (Small), Wiley.

Dr Guohua Xieat University of St. Andrews,

Dr Annamaria Petrozza at Italian Institute of Technology.

And next, our peers and old friends from Singapore.

Professor Liu Xiaogang, Professor Lu Xianmao and Ouyang Jianyong at National University of Singapore.

Professor Zhanghua, Professor Yu Ting, Chen Hongyu, Chen Peng, Wang Junling, Xiong Qihua, Zhang Qichun and Yan Qingyu, Professor Xu Chenjie at Nanyang Technological University,

Professor Yang Huiying at Singapore University of Technology and Design.

It’s also our great honor to invite world-class scientists and professionals in Hong Kong and Mainland China.

Associate Professor Daniel S.P. Lau, Zijian Zheng, and Assistant Professor Jikang Yuan at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Prof. Rong Cao and Xueyuan Chen at Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, Chinese Academy of Sciences,

Prof. Shu Wang at Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences,

Prof. Zhiyong Tang at National Center for Nanoscience and Technology,

Prof. FengTeng, Dr. Yufeng Hu at Beijng Jiaotong University,

Prof. Jianzhuang Jiangat University of Science and Technology Beijing,

Prof. Chunhai Fan at Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,

Prof. Wanhua Zheng at Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences,

Prof. Dan Wang at Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences,

Prof. Jin Zhang at Peking University,

Prof. Hongbin Fu at Capital Normal University,

Prof. Feng Song at Nankai University,

Prof. Haoli Zhang at Lanzhou University.

Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of the Organizing Committee and IAM team, I would like to reiterate my warm welcome to distinguished guests coming from afar.

iSOME-2014 is committed to stimulate discussions on the forefront of researches in advanced materials and aiming at exchanging the scientific progresses and sharing experience on Nanoscience and Energy, Organic Electronics, Nanomaterials and Bionanotechnology. We have received more than 100 abstracts and more than 70poster presentations. During the next two days, more than 40 plenary and invited lectures will be presented. We are looking forward to the fantastic moment! At this moment, I would like to pay full tribute and respect to lecturers who’ve made great contribution to iSOME-2014.

In particular, iSOME-2014 is supported strongly by Jiangsu Association for Science and Technology and Nanjing New & High Technology Industry Development Zone. On the behalf of the Organizing Committee and IAM team, I would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to their strong financial support.

Ladies and gentlemen, in the new era, with the emergence of sci-tech innovation and industrial development, with the promotion of reform and opening-up and especially "211 Project", “985 Project”, and “2011 Plan”, Chinese universities have developed rapidly and made great achievement which might be hard to imagine ten years ago. The world’s innovation layout is transforming from mono-polarity to multi-polarity. China is becoming an essential leading force in global political and economic pattern. A growing number of famous universities and institutes are willing and ready to come to China, and seek for cooperation in talent training and scientific research, and so on.

In the future, we will continue to devote ourselves to building a comprehensive, research-oriented and globalized university and actively participating in global competition and cooperation. IAM team will also do its utmost to accomplish leapfrog development, optimize economic structure with sci-tech support, and boost the national advanced materials industry into a higher value chain.

Based on in-depth thinking about disciplinary challenge and retroflection on the forefront of scientific research, iSOME-2014 will not only have profound influence on Integral development and international cooperation of Optoelectronics, Materials and Energy, but also play an advisory role in higher education and regional development.

Finally, thank you very much for your attendance and support. I Wish you an unforgettable and a perfect experience here and I wish iSOME-2014 a great success!


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