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Nature comm副主编CHEN Long 博士学术报告
添加时间:2018/04/20 发布: 管理员




报告人:CHEN Long

Publishing in Nature Communications

Abstract:The past five years have witnessed the rapid growth of Nature Communications, the flagship open access journal in Springer Nature. In 2016, about 34,500 manuscripts were submitted to Nature Communications, with 13% of them from the mainland of China. However, the acceptance rate for the submissions from China is conspicuously lower than that from Europe, North America, and even other regions in East Asia. In order to help improve the acceptance rate, in this talk, I will first present what the editors of Nature and Nature Research Journals look for in the manuscripts they want to publish. Next, I will clarify the key editorial difference between Nature, the Nature Research journals and Nature Communications, and specify how to publish a paper in Nature Communications. At last, some of the benefits of open access will be briefly discussed.

Biography:Dr. Long Chen Joined Springer Nature and worked as an associate editor for Nature Communications in the office of New York since June 2017. He earned his PhD in physical chemistry under the supervision of Prof. Xiaolai Wang from Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, in 2009. Then he was trained as a postdoctoral researcher by Prof. Edward Sacher and Prof. Arthur Yelon in Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal, Prof. D. Wayne Goodman in Texas A&M University, and Dr. Zdenek Dohnalek and Dr. Bruce Kay in Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. His research is mainly focused on surface science and heterogeneous catalysis. He has authored and co-authored more than 30 papers in J. Am. Chem. Soc., ACS Catal., ACS Nano, J. Phys. Chem. B/C etc. in his research fields.

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