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添加时间:2016/12/12 发布: 管理员


报告题目:New strategies to approach novel exotic materials

Brief CV of Dr. Qichun ZHNAG
Dr. Qichun Zhang obtained his B.S. at Nanjing University in China in 1992, MS in physical organic chemistry (organic solid lab) at Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Prof. Peiji Wu/Daoben Zhu’s group, ICCAS, Beijing) in 1998, MS in organic chemistry (Prof. Fred Wudl’s group) at University of California, Los Angeles (USA), and completed his Ph.D. in inorganic chemistry at University of California Riverside (Prof. Pingyun Feng’s group, USA) in 2007. Then, he joined Prof. Kanatzidis’ group at Northwestern University as a Postdoctoral Fellow (Oct. 2007 –Dec. 2008). Since Jan. 2009, he joined School of Materials Science and Engineering at Nanyang Technological University (NTU, Singapore) as an Assistant Professor. On Mar 1st, 2014, he has promoted to Associate Professor with tenure and on Dec 1st, 2014, he became an adjunct Associate Professor at Division of Chemistry and Biological Chemistry, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University. Besides these, he also had three-year working experience in research institute of Nanjing Chemical Industry Co. (Aug. 1992 – Aug. 1995) and two-year’s research experience in ICCAS (Aug. 1998 – Jun 2000). He received TCT fellowship in 2013 and lectureship from National Taiwan University in 2014. Currently, he is an associate editor of J. Solid State Chem (starting at Jan 2015) and the Advisory board member of Materials Chemistry Frontiers. He has published > 220 papers and 4 patents (H-index: 46).

New strategies to approach novel exotic materials

Qichun Zhang1,2

1. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798, Singapore.
2. School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University
QCZhang@ntu.edu.sg. Website:http://www.ntu.edu.sg/home/qczhang/.

In this talk, I will present several novel strategies in my research to prepare new exotic materials, which I hope to be helpful to graduate students for doing their own research. The strategies are (1) the chemical reactions among organic micro/nano-particles in aqueous solution; (2) surfactant-thermal method to control the bulk crystal growth of chalcogenides and MOFs; (3) “clean” reaction to approach larger acenes; (4) “doping” oligoacenes with heteroatoms; (5) inorganic-organic hybrid nanoprobes for the detection and imaging of ROS/RNS species.

Selected References:
(1) Guangfeng Liu, Jie Liu, Xin Ye, Lina Nie, Peiyang Gu, Xutang Tao* and Qichun Zhang*, “Self-Healing Behavior in a Thermo-mechanically Responsive Cocrystal During Reversible Phase Transition”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, DOI: 10.1002/anie.201609667.
(2) Jing Zhang, Chengyuan Wang, Guankui Long, Naoki Aratani, Hiroko Yamada, Qichun Zhang*, “Fusing N-heteroacene Analogues into One “Kinked” Molecule with Slipped Two-dimensional Ladder-like Packing”, Chem. Sci. 2016, DOI: 10.1039/C5SC03604F.
(3) Jing Zhang, Peiyang Gu, Guankui Long, Rakesh Ganguly, Yongxin Li, Naoki Aratani, Hiroko Yamada, and Qichun Zhang* “Switching Charge-Transfer Characteristic from p-Type to n-Type through Molecule “Doping” (Co-crystallization)” Chem. Sci. 2016,7, DOI: 10.1039/C5SC04954G.
(4) Chengyuan Wang, Jing Zhang, Guankui Long, Naoki Aratani, Hiroko Yamada, Y. Zhao, Qichun Zhang*, “Synthesis, Structure and Air-stable N-type Field-Effect Transistor Behaviors of Functionalized Octaazanonacene-8,19-dione” Angew. Chem Int. Ed. 2015, 54(21), 6292–6296. DOI: 10.1002/anie.201500972.
(5) Jiansheng Wu, Xianhong Rui, Guankui Long, Wangqiao Chen, Qingyu Yan*, Qichun Zhang*, “Pushing Up Lithium Storage through Nanostructured Polyazaacene Analogues as Anode” Angew. Chem Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 7354-7358. DOI: 10.1002/anie.201503072 and 10.1002/ange.201503072.
(6) Wei-wei Xiong, Qichun Zhang* “Surfactants As Promising Media for Preparing Crystalline Inorganic Materials” Angew Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54(40), 11616-11623. DOI: 10.1002/anie.201502277 and 10.1002/ange.201502277.
(7) Wei-Wei Xiong, Jianwei Miao, Kaiqi Ye, Yue Wang, Bin Liu, Qichun Zhang* “Threading Chalcogenide Layers with Polymer Chains” Angew Chem Int. Ed. 2015, 54(2), 546-550.
(8) Jiansheng Wu, Xianhong Rui, Chengyuan Wang, Wen-Bo Pei, Raymond Lau, Qingyu Yan* and Qichun Zhang* “Nanostructured conjugated ladder polymers for stable and fast lithium storage anodes with high-capacity” Advanced Energy Materials, 2015, 5(9), 1402189.
(9) Jinchong Xiao, Zongyou Yin, Hong Li, Qing Zhang, Freddy Boey, Hua Zhang, Qichun Zhang* “Postchemistry of Organic Particles: When TTF Microparticles Met TCNQ Microstructures in Aqueous Solution” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 6926.
(10) Jinchong Xiao, Zongyou. Yin, Yuechao Wu, Jun Guo, Yuhua Cheng, Hong Li, Yi zhong Huang, Qing Zhang, Jan Ma, Freddy Boey, Hua Zhang,* Qichun Zhang*: “Chemical Reaction between Ag Nanoparticles and TCNQ Microparticles in Aqueous Solution”, Small, 2011, 7, 1242.
(11) Jinchong Xiao,† Hieu M. Duong,† Yi Liu, Wenxiong Shi, Li Ji, Gang Li, Shuzhou Li, Xuewei Liu, Jan Ma, Fred Wudl,* Qichun Zhang* “Synthesis and Structure Characterization of a Stable Nonatwistacene” Angew Chem. Int. Ed. 2012, 51(25), 6094-6098 as frontispiece. Highlight in SYNFACTS (6), 5309 by Prof. T. M. Swager et al
(12) Gang Li,a,‡ Yuechao Wu,a,‡ Junkuo Gao,a Chengyuan Wang,a Junbo Li,a Huacheng Zhang,b Yang Zhao,a Yanli Zhao,b Qichun Zhanga,* “Synthesis and Physical Properties of Four Hexazapentacene Derivatives” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134(50), 20298-20301.
(13) Pei-Yang Gu,1,2 Feng Zhou,1 Junkuo Gao,2 Gang Li,2 Chengyuan Wang,2 Qing-Feng Xu,1 Qichun Zhang,2,* Jian-Mei Lu1,* “Synthesis, Characterization and Nonvolatile Ternary Memory Behavior of A Larger Heteroacene with Nine Linearly-fused Rings and Two Different Heteroatoms” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135 (38), 14086–14089.
(14) Wei-Wei Xiong, Eashwer Umesh Athersh, Yu Ting Ng, Junfeng Ding, Tom Wu, Qichun Zhang* “Growing Crystalline Chalcogenidoarsenates in Surfactants: From Zero-Dimensional Cluster to Three-Dimensional Framework”. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135(4), 1256-1259.
(15) Wei-Wei Xiong, Pei-Zhou Li, Tian-Hua Zhou, Alfred Iing Yoong Tok, Rong Xu, Yanli Zhao, Qichun Zhang* “Kinetically Controlling Phase Transformations of Crystalline Mercury-Selenidostannates through Surfactant Media” Inorg. Chem. 2013, 52(8), 4148-4150.
(16) Gang Li, Jianwei Miao, Jun Cao, Jia Zhu, Bin Liu* and Qichun Zhang* “Preparation and Photoelectrochemical Behavior of 1,4,6,8,11,13-Hexazapentacene (HAP)” Chem Comm. 2014, 50 (57), 7656 – 7658.
(17) Wei-Wei Xiong, Jianwei Miao, Kaiqi Ye, Yue Wang, Bin Liu, and Qichun Zhang* “Threading Chalcogenide Layers with Polymer Chains”, Angew Chem Int. Ed. 2014, on line
(18) Yi Zhou, Wangqiao Chen, Jixin Zhu, Wenbo Pei, Chengyuan Wang, Ling Huang, Cheng Yao, Qinyu Yan, Wei Huang, Joachim Say Chye Loo, * Qichun Zhang * “Inorganic-organic hybrid nanoprobe for NIR-excited imaging of hydrogen sulfide in cell cultures and inflammation in a mouse model” Small, 2014, accepted DOI: 10.1002/smll.201401867.
(19) Yi Zhou, Wenbo Pei, Chenyuan Wang, Jixin Zhu, Jiansheng Wu, Qinyu Yan, Ling Huang, Wei Huang, Cheng Yao, Joachim Say Chye Loo,* Qichun Zhang* “Rhodamine-Modified Upconversion Nanophosphors for Ratiometric Detection of Hypochlorous Acid in Aqueous Solution and Living Cells” Small 2014, 10(17), 3560-3567 as back cover.

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