Dr. Jose Oliveira
Editor-in-Chief, Small
José Oliveira studied chemistry at the University of the Witwatersrand (Johannesburg,South Africa). He obtained his PhD at the same university in 2000 in organic synthesis, working on reaction methodology and natural product synthesis. He worked for a year as a post-doctoral researcher in the Department of Pharmacy at the Universiteit Antwerpen (Antwerp, Belgium) developing mass spectrometric techniques for analyzing trace organic contaminants in the atmosphere. He joined Wiley-VCH (Weinheim, Germany) in January 2001 and served as Senior Associate Editor of Angewandte Chemie. He helped launch Chemistry – An Asian Journal, for which he served as Deputy Editor. In 2008 he assumed his current role as Editor-in-Chief of the nano- and microtechnology journal Small. He was also founding Editor of the newly launched Advanced Healthcare Materials. He holds Honorary and Visiting Professorships at several Chinese universities and research institutes.
Dr. Jovia Jiang,姜玥玥,Wiley作者服务经理
编辑(Advanced Functional Materials, Advanced Electronic Materials, Advanced Materials Technologies)
2005年进入新加坡南洋理工大学材料科学与工程学院 (Nanyang Technological University)学习,于2009年和2013年分别获得一等荣誉学士及博士学位,主要从事纳米材料及器件在光学和电化学方面的应用研究。2013年1月加入Wiley,目前担任Wiley-VCH旗下知名材料科学期刊Advanced Functional Materials, Advanced Electronic Materials, 以及Advanced Materials Technologies的同行评审编辑。
Keywords: Ethics, Impact Factor, Journals, Peer Review, Publishing.
Abstract: A highly competitive research environment with increasingly limited research funding has created a “Publish or Perish” attitude among scientists who are judged on the quantity rather than quality of their research articles. This presentation provides a brief overview of current trends and challenges in scientific publishing, some ethical considerations, how publishers and authors interact and influence each other, and how the publishing arena is being transformed. Tips will be presented on how to select an appropriate journal for your paper, what aspects of preparation and presentation to focus on from an editor’s and referee’s perspective, and hints for increasing the discoverability of your paper after publication.