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添加时间:2016/01/11 发布: 管理员




报告题目:Greenphotonics at a nanoscale

Professor Min Gu


Photonics has transformed massively our everyday life and global economy for a sustainable future. Nanophotonics-assisted optical engineering has enabled the development of nano-scale applied science including optical and photonic devices that allow for the efficient use of energy with less environment impact. Green-photonics is thus a new frontier of green optical technology for information storage, renewable energy, early cancer detection, cellular engineering, and clean water resources, providing a better environment and a healthier life to our community. In this talk, I will first present our recent progress on the development of ultrahigh-capacity optical storage devices, wide-angle three-dimensional displays, nano-engineered biomimetic photonic crystals, nanoplasmonic solar cells and super-resolution fibre-optical endoscopy.


Min Guis an electedFellow of the Australian Academy of Science(FAA), theAustralian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering(FTSE), theAustralian Institute of Physics(FAIP), theOptical Societyof America (FOSA), theInternational Society for Optical Engineering(FSPIE), theInstitute of Physics(FInstP), andthe International Institute of Electric and Electronic Engineers (FIEEE).

As well as Distinguished Professor, he is Associate DeputyVice-Chancellor for Research Innovation & Entrepreneurshipat Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University (RMIT University). Since 2003, he has been a Node Director of theAustralian Research Councilfor Ultrahigh-bandwidth Devices for Optical Systems.

He was a Laureate Fellow of theAustralian Research Council, a University Distinguished Professor in optoelectronics and Director of the Centre of Micro-Photonics at Swinburne University of Technology. He was appointed as Pro Vice-Chancellor for International Research Collaboration (2009-2010), Research Innovation (2010), and Research Capacity (2011-2015) at Swinburne. He was also the Foundation Director of the Victoria-Suntech Advanced Solar Facilityfrom 2010-2015. From 2005 - 2010, he was a node leader of the Australian Cooperative Research Centre for Polymers. Previously, he was the Special Advisor to Swinburne’s Vice-Chancellor, Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Development) and Vice President, Dean of Science, Acting Deanand Deputy Dean (Research) of Engineering,and a member of the University Council, Academic Board, and Board of Research.

Gu is a world leading authority in the fields of nanophotonics, nanofabrication, biophotonics andmulti-dimensional optical data storagewith internationally renowned expertise in three-dimensional optical imaging theory. He is the sole author of two standard reference books,Principles of Three-Dimensional Imaging in Confocal Microscopes(World Scientific, 1996), andAdvanced Optical Imaging Theory(Springer-Verlag, 2000). He is also the first author ofFemtosecond Biophotonics: Core Techniques and Applications(Cambridge University Press, 2010) andMicroscopic Imaging through Tissue-like Media: Monte Carlo Modelling and Applications(Springer-Verlag, 2015). He has over 450 papers in internationally refereed journals includingNature,Nature Photonics,Nature CommunicationsandPNAS.He is a member of the Editorial Boards of 16 top international journals.

Heserved as President (2002–2004) and Vice President (2004–2012) of the International Society of Optics within Life Sciences. He was Vice President of the International Commission for Optics (ICO) (2005–2011). He was the Chair of the ICO Prize Committee and member of the ICO Galileo Galilei Award Committee and served on the Young Scientist Prize Committee in Optics of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics. He served on the Board of Directors of the Optical Society of America (Executive committee, the finance committee, Chair of the International Council, Chair of the Working Group on Asia).

He was awarded the Chang Jiang Chair Professorship (Ministry of Education, China, 2007), the World Class University Professorship (Ministry of Education, South Korea, 2009), the Thousand Talents Award (Ministry of Education, China, 2009), Einstein Professorship (Chinese Academy of Science, 2010), and Laureate Fellowship (Australian Research Council, 2010). He is a recipient of theW. H. Steel Prize(Australian Optical Society, 2011), theIan Wark Medal and Lecture(Australian Academy of Science, 2014) and theBoas Medal(Australian Institute of Physics, 2015). He was a Finalist of the Australian Innovation Competition (2013) and a winner of the People’s Choice KCA Research Commercialisation Award (2015).

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