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添加时间:2015/07/13 发布: 管理员


2D Materials as a Platform for Nanoscience and Novel Technologies


2D Materials as a Platform for Nanoscience and Novel Technologies
Xiangfeng Duan
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry & California Nanosystems Institute
University of California, Los Angeles
Los Angeles, California 90095 USA

Two-dimensional layered materials (2DLMs), such as graphene or molybdenum disulfide, represent ideal 2D material systems for exploring fundamental chemistry and physics at the limit of single atomic thickness. With van der Waals interactions between neighboring layers, different 2DLMs can be flexibly integrated without the limitation of lattice mismatches. It can therefore open up vast possibilities for nearly arbitrarily combining multiple materials and integrating distinct properties at the atomic scale, and thus enabling entirely new opportunities beyond the reach of existing materials. Here I will focus my discussion on exploring these 2D materials and their heterostructures as a new platform for the creation of a wide of electronic and optoelectronic devices with unique functions and/or unprecedented performance. Examples to be discussed include: ultra-high speed transistors; a new design of vertical transistors for ultra-flexible electronics; and new types of tunable photonic devices. Lastly, I will briefly discuss our recent efforts in exploring these atomically thing materials for designing highly efficient electrochemical energy storage devices.

Short Biography:

Dr. Duan received his B.S. Degree from University of Science and Technology of China in 1997, and Ph.D. degree from Harvard University in 2002. He was a Founding Scientist and then Manager of Advanced Technology at Nanosys Inc., a nanotechnology startup founded based partly on his doctoral research. Dr. Duan joined UCLA with a Howard Reiss Career Development Chair in 2008, and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2012 and Full Professor in 2013. Dr. Duan’s research interest includes nanoscale materials, devices and their applications in future electronics, energy technologies and biomedical science. Dr. Duan has published over 120 papers in leading science journals, and holds over 40 issued US patents and many more published applications. For his pioneer research in nanoscale science and technology, Dr. Duan has received many awards, including MIT Technology Review Top-100 Innovator Award, NIH Director’s New Innovator Award, NSF Career Award, Alpha Chi Sigma Glen T. Seaborg Award, Herbert Newby McCoy Research Award, US Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), ONR Young Investigator Award, DOE Early Career Scientist Award, Human Frontier Science Program Young Investigator Award, Dupont Young Professor, Journal of Materials Chemistry Lectureship, International Union of Materials Research Society and Singapore Materials Research Society Young Researcher Award, the Beilby Medal and Prize, and mostly recently Nano Korea Award.

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