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添加时间:2015/08/05 发布: 管理员


报告题目:Carbon Nanomaterials in Metal Oxide Based Electrodes for Supercapacitors


The energy need in the world is predicted to double or triple by the end of the century due to economic growth and population increase. In addition, effect of fossil fuels on the environment is becoming a major problem for the world. Hence, there are strong need to develop clean and renewable energies based on wind and solar energy. Additionally due to the intermittent and geographically limited nature of the energy sources the need for efficient electrical energy storage (EES) systems is becoming a key challenge in the field. Here we discuss the importance of carbon nanomaterials in energy storage systems, specifically the importance of carbon nanomaterials in improving the properties of metal oxide based supercapacitor (SC) electrodes.

Several recent results from our group will be discussed in the talk, the first is the use of both carbon nanotubes and graphene in the formation of self-standing and highly conductive materials as electrodes for supercapacitors. Using this approach, we were able to fabricate supercapacitors with energy density close to that of lead-acid battery but with a charging speed 100 times higher. Additionally, we studied the effect chemical doping on the properties of metal hydroxide based SC electrodes. The results show that the effect from chemical doping and carbon nanomaterials can be added together to bring the performance of the materials to a much higher level. In summary, carbon nanomaterials, if used in a well-designed manner, can significantly improve the properties of SC electrodes, especially those made of metal oxides and hydroxides. Different carbon materials have very different functions and properties; their roles in the SC electrodes need to be carefully designed and assembles. Simply mixing different materials together is not a method that will yield optimized and well controlled electrodes.


Jie Liu is currently the George B Geller Professor of Chemistry at Duke University. He earned a B.S. in Chemistry from Shandong University in 1987 and a Ph.D. in Chemistry from Harvard University in 1996. His research interests include synthesis and chemical functionalization of nanomaterials, light emission from doped metal oxide nanostructures, nanoelectronic devices, scanning probe microscopy and carbon nanomaterials. As a faculty member, Professor Liu has received the DuPont Young Professor Award, Outstanding Oversea Young Investigator Award from NSF-China, Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award from Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Bass Professorship from Duke University for excellence in teaching and research and elected as AAAs fellow, RSC Fellow and APS Fellow in 2013.

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