Dispersion and Assembly of Nanoparticles for Functional and Structural Applications
Dazhi Sun, Minhao Wong, Kevin L. White, Haiqing Yao, Xi Zhang, and H.-J. Sue
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-3123 USA
The main challenges to commercial implementation of many nanotechnology-inspired products are the lack of robust approaches todisperse, assemble, and decorate nanoparticles for specific targeted applications. To achieve desirable multi-functional properties, it is necessary that we successfully manipulate nanoparticles dispersion, assembly, and surface functionalization. In this talk, several examples of novel approaches to achieve the above objectives with desired properties, functionalities, and structural characteristics are presented. These examples include dispersion and assembly of zinc oxide quantum dots, carbon nanotubes, and synthetic clay for improved strength, toughness, barrier and optoelectronic properties. Fundamental principles responsible for manipulation of nanoparticle dispersion and assembly are described. Usefulness of the above research for functional and structural applications is also discussed.
Alpha-Zirconium Phosphate Dispersion with Controlled d-Spacing in Acetone
Short Biography:
Dr. H.-J. Sue is a Full Professor and teaches at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Texas A&M University (TAMU) since 1995. He received his Bachelor’s degree in 1981 from the Chung-Yuan Christian University, Taiwan. He then obtained his Masters’ and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Michigan in 1985, 1987, and 1988, respectively. Before joining TAMU, Dr. Sue was employed by Dow Chemical at Freeport, TX, for about seven years. He has focused most of his research work on fundamental understanding of structure-property relationship of polymeric materials. His recent research interests include micro- and nano-scratch behavior of polymers and preparation of nanomaterials for nanotechnology applications. Dr. Sue is currently the Director of the Polymer Technology Center at TAMU.