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添加时间:2013/03/15 发布: 管理员



【演讲题目】Artificial Leaves in a Heterogeneous System: Mechanistic Studies and New Material Strategy



Professor Junwang Tang

Department of Chemical Engineering,

University College London, UK.


Dr Tang is an Associate Professor / Senior Lecturer in Energy in Chemical Engineering at University College London (UCL) and an Honorary Lecturer in Chemistry at Imperial College London.

Dr Tang received his PhD in Physical Chemistry in 2001 from Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics. Between 2002-2005, he had been a NIMS researcher and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Fellow working on solar energy conversion in the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan. After that, he moved to the Department of Chemistry, Imperial College. At the beginning of 2009, Dr Tang joined the Department of Chemical Engineering, UCL as a Lecturer in Energy. He has been recognized by an Outstanding President’s Prize of Chinese Academy of Sciences (2001), JSPS Fellowship (2003) and Young Scientist Award by the International Association of Catalysis Societies (2008)

He has published more than 60 papersin high impact journals, e.g. JACS, Angew. Chem, Energy Environ. Sci., Mater. Chem, J. Phys. Chem., J. Mater Chem.with >2000 citations between 2001-2012, contributed one chapter to a CRC handbook and filed 8 patents (one patented in US, Japan, Germany and China), besides many invited lectures in international conferences and domestic meetings. He is the Editor-in-Chief of a special issue of International Journal of Photoenergy, 2012 and sits on the editorial boards of several international journals. He is also the Vice President of the Chinese Society of Chemical Science and Technology in the UK, the Facilitator of Energy Research between UCL and Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Champion of Solar Energy in the UCL CO2Technology Center.

Research Interests

· Nanostructured crystals and films synthesis, in particular by microwave promoted chemical methods;

· Solar H2synthesis from water;

· CO2capture and conversion to a renewable fuel (Artificial Leaf);

· Inorganic/polymer hybrid solar cell;

· Photocatalytic environmental purification;

· Biomaterials;

· Microwave catalysis.

Seminar title:

Artificial Leaves in a Heterogeneous System: Mechanistic Studies and New Material Strategy


Conversion of the most abundant renewable energy source, solar energy to fuel (artificial leaves concept) has been attracting more and more attention over the last ten years after a long-term silence, which involves three key processes: charge carriers generation, separation and transportation, final utilisation on the surface of a photocatalyst.

This lecture will start with a summary of the potentials of the different renewable energy sources, e.g. solar, biomass, wind, geothermal and hydroelectric energy, and then move to the benchmark work of solar energy conversion. In particular our recent studies on mechanism of solar H2 synthesis from water over several nanostructured photoelectrodes will be presented which preliminarily illustrate the reason of low solar to fuel conversion efficiency.1-4 Further new material strategy based on our mechanistic understanding will be discussed, which was tested for both water splitting for H2 evolution and CO2 photoreduction. For example, a new inorganic heterojunction cascade achieves a ~1.6% quantum yield at 400nm for CO2 photoreduction to valuable chemicals


(1). Li, K.F; Martin, D.J.; Tang, J. W. Chin. J. Catal. 2011, 32, 879-890. Cover story.

(2) Tang, J. W; Durrant, J. R.; Klug, D. R . J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130 , 13885-13891.

(3) Tang, J. W; Cowan, A. J.; Durrant, J. R.; Klug, D. R, J Phys. Chem. C. 2011, 115, 3143–3150.

(4) Pendlebury, S. R. Cowan, A.J. et al. Energy & Environmental Science, 2012, 5, 6304-6312

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