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关于马普研究所Zilong Wang博士学术报告的通知
添加时间:2019/07/15 发布:


报告题目:Intravalley spin relaxation dynamics in single-layer WS2

报告人:Zilong Wang博士

邀请人:Mustafa Eginligil教授




Two-dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (TMDs) have been widely studied because of the peculiar electronic band structure and the strong excitonic effects [1]. In these materials the large spin-orbit coupling lifts the spin degeneracy of the valence (VB) and the conduction band (CB) giving rise to the A and B interband excitonic transitions. In monolayer WS2, the spins of electrons in the lowest CB and in the highest VB at K/K’ point of the Brillouin zone are antiparallel resulting in an intravalley dark exciton state at a lower energy than the bright exciton, see left panel of Fig.1. On the one hand, the presence of dark excitons has been revealed indirectly from the observation of anomalous quenching of the PL emission at low temperature in single-layer WS2 [2]; on the other hand, however, the intravalley spin-flip process is assumed to occur on a significantly long time scale, which is usually neglected in theoretical models describing exciton intra or inter valley scattering processes [3]. Here we use two-colour helicity-resolved pump-probe spectroscopy to directly resolve the intravalley spin-flip process of the photoexcited electrons in the CB of single-layer WS2 [4]. In our experiment, spin-polarized carriers are photo-injected by a circularly polarized pump beam resonant to the A exciton transition, while the co-circularly polarized probe pulse is tuned around B excitonic peak. Our results show that the upper CB states can be quickly depleted by efficient scattering processes mediated by phonons on a temporal scale close to our experimental results. Our results shed light on the intravalley spin relaxation process in single-layer WS2, determining the formation of the intravalley dark exciton, which we measure to occur on a sub-ps timescale. The study of dark excitons formation dynamics is important for designing TMD-based electronic/photonic devices.


[1] G. Wang, A. Chernikov, M. M. Glazov, T. F. Heinz, X. Marie, T. Amand, and B. Urbaszek, “Excitons in atomically thin transition metal dichalcogenides”, Rev. Mod. Phys. 90, 021001 (2018).

[2] X.-X. Zhang, Y. You, S. Y. F. Zhao and T. F. Heinz, “Experimental Evidence for Dark Excitons in Monolayer WSe2”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 257403 (2015).

[3] Y. Song, H. Dery, “Transport Theory of Monolayer Transition-Metal Dichalcogenides through Symmetry”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 026601 (2013).

[4] Z. Wang, A. Molina-Sanchez, P. Altmann, D. Sangalli, D. De Fazio, G. Soavi, U. Sassi, F. Bottegoni, F. Ciccacci, M. Finazzi, L. Wirtz, A.C. Ferrari, A. Marini, G. Cerullo and S. Dal Conte, “Intravalley Spin?Flip Relaxation Dynamics in Single-Layer WS2”, Nano Lett. 18, 6882 (2018).


Zilong Wang, received B.S. degree in physics from Peking University, Beijing in 2010. He received Ph.D. degree in physics from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore in the year of 2016. From 2016 to 2018, he was a Post-doctoral researcher in Physics department of Politecnico di Milano, Italy. And he is currently working in Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics in Garching, Germany as a Post-doctoral researcher. His research interests are ultrafast spectroscopy and optoelectronics of nanomaterials, such as two-dimensional materials. He is currently working on the Petahertz electronics in nanomaterials driven by few-cycle lightwave.

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