地点:新利18彩票 江浦校区浦江楼302会议室(100人)
主讲人:Prof. Nadrian C. Seeman (New York University)
B.S. Biochemistry University of Chicago (1966)
Ph.D. Crystallography/Biochemistry (G.A. Jeffrey) University of Pittsburgh (1970)
Research Associate (Cyrus Levinthal) Columbia University(1970-1972)
Postdoctoral Fellow (Alexander Rich) MIT(1972-1977)
Assistant Professor, Biology Dept., SUNY/Albany(1977-1983)
Associate Professor (tenured), Biology Dept., SUNY/Albany(1983-1988)
Professor, Department of Chemistry, New York University(1988-now)
Margaret and Herman Sokol Professor of Chemistry, New York University(2001-now)
DNA Nanotechnology, Macromolecular Design and Topology, Biophysical Chemistry of Recombinational Intermediates, DNA-Based Computation, and Crystallography