周俊,男,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,中国注册环境保护工程师,《科技部生物质能源产业科技创新发展战略》编写组成员。2012年获南京农业大学工学博士学位,同年进入新利18彩票 生物与制药工程学院从事教学科研工作。主要从事环境微生物与能源技术、生物质废弃物生物转化过程机制与调控、生物甲烷高效制备与高值化利用、发酵残余物资源化利用、污泥深度减量化处理等方向的理论与技术研究,研究成果已在污泥处理、畜禽粪便处理、秸秆处理等方面得到应用,参与建立多项生物质废弃物处理科技示范工程。目前主持国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划“政府间国际科技创新合作”重点专项课题、江苏省重点研发计划子课题、江苏省青年自然科学基金、企业委托项目等多项课题,作为研究骨干参与国家 “973”计划、江苏省农业自主创新项目等多项纵向课题以及企业横向课题的研究工作。获得《简浩然环境微生物基金优秀环境工程奖励》、教书育人先进个人、南工集团奖教金、师德征文特等奖、校青年教师授课竞赛二等奖等多项奖励。近年来,参编教材2部,获得15项发明专利,在国内外发表论文70余篇,其中SCI论文30余篇。
(1) Xi Liu, Honghua Jia,Jun Zhou*, Xiaoyu Yong, Ping Wei.2016. Application of a gas–liquid mixing pump in biogas purification and the coproduction of nano calcium carbonate.Energy and fuels,DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.6b01759.
(2)Jun Zhou, Binhua Yan, Yu Wang, Xiaoyu Yong, Zhuhong Yang, Honghua Jia, Ming Jiang, Ping Wei.2016.Effect of steam explosion pretreatment on the anaerobic digestion of rice straw.RSC Advances, 6, 88417 - 88425
(3)Jun Zhou, Rui Zhang, Fenwu Liu, Xiaoyu Yong, Xiayuan Wu, Tao Zheng, Min Jiang, Honghua Jia.2016. Biogas production and microbial community shift through neutral pH control during the anaerobic digestion of pig manure.Bioresour. Technol., 217, 44-49.
(4)Jun Zhou, Weizhong Xu, Jonathan W.C. Wong, Xiaoyu Yong, Binghua Yan, Xueying Zhang*, Honghua Jia*.2015.Ultrasonic and Thermal Pretreatments on Anaerobic Digestion of Petrochemical Sludge: Dewaterability and Degradation of PAHs.PLOS ONE, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0136162.
(5)Jun Zhou, Xun Cao, Xiaoyu Yong, Shuya Wang, Xi Liu, Yilu Chen, Tao Zheng*, Pingkai Ouyang.2014. Effects of Various Factors on Biogas Purification and Nano-CaCO3synthesis in a Membrane Reactor.Indu. Eng.Chem. Res.53, 1702-1706.
(6)Jun Zhou, Guanyu Zheng, Xueying Zhang, Lixiang Zhou*.2014.Extracellular Polymeric Substances Influence on the Dewaterability of Sewage Sludge during Bioleaching.PLOS ONE, 9 (7), e102688. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0102688.
(7)Jun Zhou, Xiaoning Liu, Yong Zhong, Rongqing Wei, Yilu Chen, Tao Zheng*.2015.Research Progress in Functionalization on Polystyrene-divinylbenzene based Microsphere.Asia-Pac. J. Chem. Eng., 10: 15-21.
(8)Jun Zhou, Guanyu Zheng, Jonathan W.C. Wong, Lixiang Zhou*.2013. Degradation of inhibitory substances by heterotrophic microorganisms Galactomyces sp. Z3 and its extracellular polymeric substances in improving wastewater sludge bioleaching.Bioresour. Technol., 132: 217-223.
(9)Jun Zhou, Guanyu Zheng, Lixiang Zhou*, Fenwu Liu, Chaocheng Zheng, Chunhong Cui.2013. The role of Galactomyces sp. Z3 in improving pig slurry bioleaching.Environ. Technol., 34: 35-43.
(10)Jun Zhou, Lixiang Zhou*, Fenwu Liu, Chaocheng Zheng, Wenjing Deng.2012.Transformation of heavy metals and the formation of secondary iron minerals during pig slurry bioleaching by the co-inoculation acidophilic thiobacillus.Environ. Technol., 33: 2553-2560.
(11)Xi Liu#,Jun Zhou#, Yabing Zhang, Xiaoning Liu, Yilu Chen, Xiaoyu Yong, Shuya Wang, Tao Zheng*, Haoran Yuan*.2015. Continuous process of biogas purification and co-production of nano calcium carbonate in multistage membrane reactors.Chemical engineering journal,271:223-231. (#equal contribution by authors)
(12) Fenwu Liu#,Jun Zhou#, Lixiang Zhou*, Shasha Zhang, Lanlan Liu, Ming Wan.2015. Effect of neutralized solid waste generated in lime neutralization on the ferrous ion bio-oxidation process during acid mine drainage treatment.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 299: 404-411. (#equal contribution by authors)
(13)Jonathan W.C. Wong,Jun Zhou, Mayur B. Kurade, Kumarasamy Murugesan.2015.Influence of ferrous ions on extracellular polymeric substances content and sludge dewaterability during bioleaching.Bioresour. Technol., 179: 78-83.
(14)Fenwu Liu,Jun Zhou, Lixiang Zhou, Dianzhan Wang.2012. Enhancing sewage sludge dewaterability by bioleaching approach with comparison to other physical and chemical conditioning methods. Journal of Environment Science, 24: 1403-1410.
(15)Fenwu Liu, Lixiang Zhou,Jun Zhou, Xingwei Song, Dianzhan Wang.2012. Bio-acidification by oxidizing the energy substances in bioleaching as a potential method to improve sludge dewaterability. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 221-222: 170-177.
(16)Xiaoyu Yong, Jiao Feng, Yilu Chen, Dongyan Shi, Yushang Xu,Jun Zhou, Shuya Wang, Yangchun Yong, Yongming Sun, Chenlu Shi, Pingkai OuYang, Tao Zheng.2014. Enhancement of bioelectricity generation by cofactor manipulation in microbial fuel cell. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 56: 19-25.