贾红华,博士,研究员,博士生导师。入选江苏省高校“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师和江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才计划。2000年7月毕业于湖北三峡学院(现三峡大学)生物化工专业,获学士学位;2006年12月毕业于新利18彩票 生物化工专业,获博士学位;2007年6月至2007年12月,受德国巴登-符腾堡州教育、科学及艺术部资助赴德国斯图加特大学做客座学者;2015年9月至2016年9月,受国家留学基金委资助赴美国莱斯大学生物工程系做访问学者。先后主持和参与完成了多项国家973课题、国家科技支撑计划课题、国家自然科学基金青年基金项目及企业委托项目等课题。现承担国家自然科学基金面上项目1项,参与国家重点研发计划课题1项、江苏省农业科技自主创新资金项目1项。迄今为止,发表SCI收录论文60多篇,申请专利10多项。
1.Tang, Kexin; Yi, Yunfei; Gao, Zhen;Jia Honghua*;Li, Yan*; Cao, Fei; Zhou, Hua; Jiang, Min; Wei, Ping. (2020) Identification, heterologous expression and characterization of a transaminase from Rhizobium sp. CATALYSIS LETTERS. DOI: 10.1007/s10562-020-03121-2.
2.Li, Yan*; Li, Zheng; He, Xiaoying; Chen, Liangliang; Cheng, Yinchu;Jia, Honghua*; Yan, Ming ; Chen, Kequan. (2019) Characterisation of a Thermobacillus sucrose phosphorylase and its utility in enzymatic synthesis of 2-O-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-L-ascorbic acid. JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY, 305: 27-34.
3.Weng, Jingyuan; Chen, Liangliang; Cheng, Yinchu;Li, Yan*;Jia, Honghua*; Zhou, Hua; Wei, Ping. (2019) Expression, characterization, and site-directed mutagenesis of UDP-glycosyltransferase UGT88A1 from Arabidopsis thaliana. BIOENGINEERED, 4: 142-149.
4.Wu, Xiayuan; Xiong, Xiaomin ; Owens, Gary; Brunetti, Gianluca; Zhou, Jun; Yong, Xiaoyu; Xie, Xinxin; Zhang, Lijuan; Wei, Ping;Jia, Honghua*. (2018) Anode modification by biogenic gold nanoparticles for the improved performance of microbial fuel cells and microbial community shift. BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 270: 11-19.
5.Wu, Xiayuan; Ren, Xiaoqian; Owens, Gary; Brunetti, Gianluca; Zhou, Jun; Yong, Xiaoyu; Wei, Ping;Jia, Honghua*. (2018) A facultative electroactive chromium(VI)-reducing bacterium aerobically isolated from a biocathode microbial fuel cell. Frontier In Microbiology, 9: 2883.
6.Zhou, Jun; Yang, Jun; Yu, Qing; Yong, Xiaoyu; Xie, Xinxin; Zhang, Lijuan; Wei, Ping;Jia, Honghua*. (2017) Different organic loading rates on the biogas production during the anaerobic digestion of rice straw: A pilot study. BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 244: 865-871.
7.Zhong, Chao; Cheng, Fang; Zhu, Yingkui; Gao, Zhen;Jia, Honghua*; Wei, Ping. (2017) Dissolution mechanism of cellulose in quaternary ammonium hydroxide: Revisiting through molecular interactions. CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS, 174: 400-408.
8.Wang, Qianqian; Wu, Xiayuan ; Yu, Yangyang; Sun, Dezhen;Jia, Honghua*;Yong, Yangchun*. (2017) Facile in-situ fabrication of grapheneiriboflavin electrode for microbial fuel cells. ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 232: 439-444.
9.Zhong, Chao;Jia, Honghua*; Wei, Ping. (2017) Enhanced saccharification of wheat straw with the application of ultrasonic-assisted quaternary ammonium hydroxide pretreatment. PROCESS BIOCHE MISTRY, 53: 180-187.
Wu, Xiayuan; Xiong, Xiaomin; Brunetti, Gianluca; Yong, Xiaoyu; Zhou, Jun; Zhang, Lijuan; Wei, Ping;Jia, Honghua*. (2017) Effect of MWCNT-modified graphite felts on hexavalent chromium removal in biocathode microbial fuel cells. RSC ADVANCES, 7: 53932-53940.
10.Han, Zhou; Chen, Feier; Zhong, Chao; Zhou, Jun; Wu, Xiayuan; Yong, Xiaoyu; Zhou, Hua; Jiang, Min;Jia, Honghua*; Wei, Ping. (2017) Effects of different carriers on biogas production and microbial community structure during anaerobic digestion of cassava ethanol wastewater. ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY , 38: 2253-2262.
11.Jia, Honghua*; Shao, Tingting; Zhong, Chao; Li, Hengxiang; Jiang, Min; Zhou, Hua; Wei, Ping. (2016) Evaluation of xylitol production using corncob hemicellulosic hydrolysate by combining tetrabutylammonium hydroxide extraction with dilute acid hydrolysis. CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS, 151: 676-683.
12.Zhou, Jun; Zhang, Rui; Liu, Fenwu; Yong, Xiaoyu; Wu, Xiayuan; Zheng, Tao; Jiang, Min;Jia, Honghua*. (2016) Biogas production and microbial community shift through neutral pH control during the anaerobic digestion of pig manure. BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 217: 44-49.
13.Wu, Xiayuan; Tong, Fei; Yong, Xiaoyu; Zhou, Jun; Zhang, Lixiong;Jia, Honghua*; Wei, Ping. (2016) Effect of NaX zeolite-modified graphite felts on hexavalent chromium removal in biocathode microbial fuel cells. JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, 308: 303-311.
14.Jia, Honghua*; Gao, Zhen; Ma, Yingying; Zhong, Chao; Wang, Chunming; Zhou, Hua; Wei, Ping. (2016) Preparation and characterization of a highly stable phenoxazinone synthase nanogel. CHEMISTRY CENTRAL JOURNAL, 10: 34.
15.Zhu, Wenjun; Li, Yan;Jia, Honghua*; Wei, Ping; Zhou, Hua; Jiang, Min. (2016) Expression, purification and characterization of a thermostable leucine dehydrogenase from the halophilic thermophile Laceyella sacchari. BIOTECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 38: 855-861.
16.Yong, Xiaoyu; Yan, Zhiying; Xu, Lin; Zhou, Jun; Wu, Xiayuan; Wu, Yuandong; Li, Yang; Chen, Zugeng; Zhou, Hua; Wei, Ping;Jia, Honghua*. (2016) Genome sequence of a microbial lipid producing fungus Cryptococcus albidus NT2002. JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY, 223: 6-7.
17.Zhong, Chao; Wang, Chunming; Wang, Fengxue;Jia, Honghua*; Wei, Ping; Zhao, Yin. (2016) Application of tetra-n-methylammonium hydroxide on cellulose dissolution and isolation from sugarcane bagasse. CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS, 136: 979-987.
18.Zhong, Chao; Wang, Chunming; Wang, Fengxue;Jia, Honghua*; Wei, Ping; Zhao, Yin. (2016) Enhanced biogas production from wheat straw with the application of synergistic microbial consortium pretreatment. RSC ADVANCES, 6: 60187-60195.
19.Zhong, Chao; Wang, Chunming; Wang, Fengxue;Jia, Honghua*; Wei, Ping; Zhao, Yin. (2015) Enhanced saccharification of lignocellulosic biomass by pretreatment with quaternary ammonium hydroxide. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, 90: 2186-2194.
20.Zhong, Chao; Wang, Chunming; Huang, Fan; Wang, Fengxue;Jia, Honghua; Zhou, Hua; Wei, Ping. (2015) Selective hydrolysis of hemicellulose from wheat straw by a nanoscale solid acid catalyst. CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS, 131: 384-391.
21.Wu, Xiayuan; Zhu, Xujun; Song, Tianshun; Zhang, Lixiong;Jia, Honghua*; Wei, Ping. (2015) Effect of acclimatization on hexavalent chromium reduction in a biocathode microbial fuel cell. BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 180: 185-191.