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王雨淋副教授课题组在Journal of Optics上发表论文



Figure.1 (a) Assumption of mode properties of two cascaded waveguide systems, which can possibly satisfy the requirements of synchronous interference and directional coupling function. (b) Mode curves of MIM waveguide and DW as a function of center dielectric-layer thickness. (c) Schematics of lossy nonunitary BS. (d) Simulated synchronous interference results. e The field distributions of interferences in the conditions of the anti-phase, in-phase, and the singe-input cases (Color figure online).

相关工作以“Composite optical interference in non-unitary and unitary beam-splitter systems”为题发表在Journal of Optics期刊上。我院系2018级研究生李志凯为第一作者,王雨淋副教授为通讯作者。该工作得到了国家自然科学基金项目的支持。

