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Wang, S, Dai, M, Ru, CQ, Gao, CF. Stress field around an arbitrarily shaped nanosized hole with surface tension.Acta Mechanica, 2014, 225(12), 3453-3462.(SCI,中科院3区,影响因子2.698) |
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Wang S, Dai M, Ru CQ, Gao CF. Surface tension-induced interfacial stresses around a nanoscale inclusion of arbitrary shape.Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 2017, 68(6): 127.(SCI,中科院2区,影响因子1.934) |
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Yang HB,Wang S*. Interface tension-induced stress field around periodic nano-inclusions of arbitrary shape.Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 2018, 24(9): 2844-2857.(通讯作者)(SCI,中科院3区,影响因子2.341) |
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Yang HB,Wang S*, Yu CB. Effective in-plane stiffness of unidirectional periodic nanoporous materials with surface elasticity.Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 2019, 70: 129.(通讯作者)(SCI,中科院2区,影响因子1.934) |
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Wang S, Xing SC, Chen ZT, Gao CF. A nanoscale hole of arbitrary shape with surface elasticity.Journal of Elasticity, 2019, 136(2): 123-135.(SCI,中科院3区,影响因子2.085) |
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Wang S, Gao CF, Chen ZT. Interaction between two nanoscale elliptical holes with surface tension.Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 2019, 24(5): 1556-1566.(SCI,中科院3区,影响因子2.341) |
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Wang S, Chen ZT, Gao CF. Analytic solution for a circular nano-inhomogeneity in a finite matrix.Nano Materials Science, 2019, 1(2): 116-120.(Scopus数据库收录) |
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Wang S, Yang HB, Gao CF, Chen ZT. In-plane stress analysis of two nanoscale holes under surface tension.Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2020, 90(6): 1363-1372.(SCI,中科院4区,影响因子1.976) |
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Yang HB, Qiu J, Tang JY,Wang S*. Thermoelastic problem of two arbitrarily-shaped inclusions.Journal of Thermal Stresses, 2020, 43(12): 1601-1612.(通讯作者)(SCI,中科院2区,影响因子3.28) |
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Li C, Huang C,Wang S*, Cai D. A modified Laurent series for hole/inclusion problems in plane elasticity.Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 2021, 72: 124.(通讯作者)(SCI,中科院2区,影响因子1.934) |
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Wang S, Li XY, Yi X, Duan HL. Morphological changes of nanofiber cross-sections due to surface tension.Extreme Mechanics Letters, 2021, 44: 101211.(SCI,中科院1区,top期刊,影响因子4.567) |
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Wang S, Yang HB, Dai M*. Shape of a single inclusion enclosing uniform stress for a non-uniform far-field loading in anti-plane shear.Applied Mathematical Modelling, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apm.2021.09.005(SCI,中科院1区,top期刊,影响因子5.129) |