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比利时根特大学Magd Abdel Wahab教授应邀给机械学院师生作报告

12月21日下午,比利时根特大学(Ghent University, Belgium)Magd Abdel Wahab教授应邀为机械学院师生作了题为Finite element modelling of fretting damage的报告。

报告伊始,巩建鸣副校长向大家介绍了Magd Abdel Wahab教授,并代表学校向Magd Abdel Wahab教授赠送了礼物。Magd Abdel Wahab教授是比利时根特大学工程与建筑学院教授,与机械学院王小威博士在比利时根特大学开展了良好的合作。Magd Abdel Wahab教授主要从事断裂力学、损伤力学、材料疲劳、耐久性、结构动力与振动等方面的研究,发表了320多篇有关固体力学和结构动力学的学术论文。随后,周昌玉教授代表机械学院致欢迎词。

Magd Abdel Wahab教授首先对比利时根特大学进行了简单介绍并对此次有机会来我院访问交流表示了衷心的感谢。随后,Magd Abdel Wahab教授从微动磨损和微动疲劳两方面入手阐述了自己的相关研究。最后,Magd Abdel Wahab教授还和师生们就关心的问题进行了讨论,活动在同学们的热烈掌声中完满结束。

附:Magd Abdel Wahab教授简历

Prof. Magd Abdel Wahab is a full time Professor of Applied Mechanics in the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture at Ghent University, Belgium and an adjunct professor of computational mechanics at Ton DucThang University, Vietnam. He received his B.Sc., 1988, in Civil Engineering and his M.Sc., 1991, in Structural Mechanics, both from Cairo University. Prof. Wahab completed his Ph.D. in Fracture Mechanics in 1995 at KU Leuven, Belgium. He was awarded the degree of Doctor of Science from the University of Surrey in 2008. He has published more than 320 scientific papers and technical reports in solid mechanics and dynamics of structures. His research interests include fracture mechanics, damage mechanics, fatigue of materials, durability, and dynamics and vibration of structures.

作者:机械学院 单位:机械学院 审核:马慧子
