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10th Anniversary Celebrations of Cooperation between NanjingTech and Institute of Technology Tallaght was Held Successfully

On April 15, the 10th Anniversary Celebrations of Cooperation between NanjingTech and Institute of Technology Tallaght was held in Nanjing. Those who attended included Eoin O 'Leary, Irish ambassador to China, Therese Healy, Consul General of Ireland in Shanghai, Thomas Stone, President of Institute of Technology Tallaght, and the institute’s related officials and teacher representatives, as well as Shi Yunyu, Deputy Director of International Cooperation Office of Education Department of Jiangsu Province, Qiao Xu, President of NanjingTech, Gong Jianming, Vice President of NanjingTech, and officials of relevant functional departments, project teacher representatives, alumni representatives, parents of students, and student representatives. This event was chaired by NanjingTech’s Vice President Gong Jianming.

At the beginning, President of NanjingTech Qiao Xu expressed sincere welcome to the distinguished guests from both China and Ireland. He briefly introduced the history and present situation of NanjingTech’s cooperation with Institute of Technology Tallaght and prospected the future of their cooperation. He believed that the significant rise of the comprehensive strength of both schools would open up wider space for the cooperation between the two schools.

Shi Yunyu, Deputy Director of International Cooperation Office of Education Department of Jiangsu Province, expressed his congratulations on the fruitful achievements that had been made over the past decade since the two schools established partnership on behalf of the Education Department of Jiangsu Province. He expected that the two schools could write a more brilliant new chapter in education cooperation through fine course construction, playing demonstration and leading roles and enhancing friendship.

Eoin O 'Leary, Irish ambassador to China, fully affirmed the achievements of the cooperation between the two schools. He also said that education cooperation was crucial to promoting Sino-Ireland cooperation and friendship, and expressed his gratitude for the contributions the two schools had made.

Alumni representatives Wen Jiafan and Wu Guoyuan made speeches respectively. They recalled the university time and thanked the cooperation platform built by the two schools for expanding their thinking, broadening their horizons, and helping them find and realize their dreams.

Thomas Stone, President of Institute of Technology Tallaght, expressed sincere thanks for the support from all walks of life in China and Ireland and the efforts of colleagues of both schools. He said that the two schools would continue their partnership for the common goal of offering the highest quality education resources and development opportunities for the students involved in their cooperation projects.

In the end, all attendants enjoyed warm and friendly talks in the relaxing atmosphere of the buffet reception, and the celebrations came to a successful end with joy and laughter.

Eoin O’Leary

President Qiao Xu

President Thomas Stone

Shi Yunyu

Wen Jiafan

Wu Guoyuan

Vice President Gong Jianming
