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2017 Gala Held to Welcome the College Freshmen

On the evening of November 5th, the College of Overseas Education held the Art Gala themed Young Times to welcome the 2017 freshman in the auditorium on Jiangpu campus. Hundreds of Chinese and foreign teachers and students watched the Art Gala together.

The Gala shows Chinese culture and a brand new era full of positive energy. The "Nine Songs" skillfully melts the Chinese martial arts and the traditional dance. The short sketch "Take Away Adve nture" resists superstition and backward cultural erosion, and advocates the spirit of diligence and enrichment. The original ballet "Lay Zhaojun "efforts to tap the humanistic spirit of Chinese traditional culture and contains the sacrifice and love for peace. The Gala has distinctive features of cultural exchange between China and foreign countries. The song and dance "All of Me" performed by our international student is full of vitality and its power of friendship infected the whole audience.

The Gala was video broadcasted by the official micro-blog of COE, NanjingTech for second consecutive years. Many of our senior students studying in Britain and Ireland, alumni at home and abroad watched the broadcast. Many alumni sent blessing to the Gala from the United Kingdom, Germany, Hongkong and other places all around the world.

Author:Liu Haiquan; Picture:Gao Yongsheng,Zheng Qianjiazi; Unity:College of Overseas Education; Review: Tong Zheng Quan
