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A lecture on hygiene and health education for foreign students in our school

In the afternoon of November 16th, the school logistics service group and the Overseas Education Institute jointly organized a lecture on health and health education for foreign students. The Minister of logistics services, Minister Zhu Xingtong, school hospital doctor Ding Chunhui, doctor Wang Yan, overseas education college students management teacher, school youth Cooperative Education Department volunteers and some foreign students in our school participated in this activity.

First of all, Dr. Ding Chunhui introduced the prevention and treatment of common diseases among students, and explained in detail the matters needing attention for medical attention of international students. Subsequently, Dr. Wang Yan lectures on AIDS prevention for foreign students, she introduced the harm of AIDS, transmission routes and treatment methods, and combined with the current world and China's AIDS epidemic trend, on how to prevent AIDS has made a detailed guide. In the final part of the question and answer session, the students actively raised their hands to ask questions. Ding answered the questions that the students were concerned about and gave small gifts to help the students consolidate medical and health knowledge. The scene was warm and the applause was endless.

The health and health education activities further help foreign students to understand medical and health knowledge and youth health knowledge, and lay a good foundation for the healthy life and learning of foreign students during their stay in china.

Text: Overseas Education Institute; audit: ZhengQuan Tong
