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Lecture on Laws & Regulations and Safety Education Held for Overseas Students

On the afternoon of May 8, the College of Overseas Education held a lecture on laws and regulations and safety education for overseas students. Captain Wang Yan and officer Wu Yue of the Entry-Exit Management of Jiangbei New District Public Security Bureau were invited to give the lecture. Before the lecture, Vice President NiuShengjiehad a meeting with Captain Wang Yan.

Captain Wang Yan introduced the safety knowledge in China to our foreign students, handing out the Guidelines of the Service for Foreigners in Jiangbei New Area of Nanjing, and introduced the process of related affairs. Thepolice officer Wu Yue used some specific cases to illustratethe laws and regulations of entry and exit, as well as the knowledge of drug control, fraud prevention, network and traffic safety and emphasized that every student should abide by laws and regulations,enhance safety awareness and eliminate hidden dangers of insecurity.

After the lecture, the two police officers answered questions posed by the overseas students. The leaders and teachers of the college took part in the discussion.

The event had further enhanced the safety awareness of foreign students and improved their safety ability. Overseas students have expressed thatthey will keep laws and regulations in mind, strengthen self-management, safeguard their own safety, work hard to studyin their future life, and spend a pleasant time in China.
