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PhD Optical Engineering

Optical Engineering

(Discipline Code: 0803)

I. Discipline Overview

The discipline of optical engineering is deeply interdisciplinary with the University's traditional disciplines of materials science and engineering, optoelectronic function and information materials, etc. In response to the strategic needs ofChina and Jiangsu Province in the fields of new energy, new displays, integrated circuits, new materials, and the Internet of Things, the discipline has formed four distinctive discipline directions of luminescent materials and devices, micro and nano optics, energy photonics, and flexible optical technology and engineering.

Withacademicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences as the leaders, the discipline has built a teaching and research team full of young and energetic members who have strong innovation capability and higher academic status at home and abroad, including Cheung Kong Scholar Distinguished Professors, candidates for the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, winners of National Science Fund for Outstanding Young Scholars of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and "Jiangsu Distinguished Professors". All the disciplinebackbone staffhave overseas study experience. This discipline has a number of important platforms for scientific research and international exchange and cooperation, such as the national Synergetic Innovation Center for Advanced Materials, the National International Joint Research Center for Flexible Electronic Materials and Devices, and the Flexible Electronics Innovation and Intelligence Base ("111 Program").

II. Cultivation Goals

1. Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the discipline comprehensively implements the CPC's education policy, takes strengthening moral education and cultivating people as the fundamental, and the all-round moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic development as the main line, and cultivates high-level talents with firm political stance, noble ideological character, rigorous academic attitude and innovative spirit.

2. Students are cultivated to become high-level talents with comprehensive and solid professional basic knowledge, in-depth and systematic research in a certain field or direction, and the ability to independently engage in academic research, technology research & development and teaching in the field of optical engineering. Specifically, students should have a solid and broad theoretical foundation and systematic and in-depth expertise in the research field of optical engineering, be familiar with the development direction of the discipline and the frontier of international academic research, have solid ability of engineering practice and rigorous, realistic and scientific style, have the ability to independently engage in scientific research and technology development, and be able to creatively engage in theoretical and experimental research and produce innovative results.

3. Students should be proficient in at least one foreign language, be able to read foreign materials in their major, and have certain writing skills and international academic communication in the foreign language. They should havestrong ability of scientific research management, self-management and teamwork, and be capable of scientific research, teaching, engineering development or technical management in this major or similar majors.

III. Cultivation Direction

1. Luminescent materials and devices: Design and preparation of new luminescent materials, design and construction of high-performance lluminescent devices, and research on physical processes related to photoelectric conversion.

2. Micro and nano optics: Research and explore new luminescent principles and regulatory mechanisms, and develop new microscopic imaging instruments aiming at emerging nanomaterials and structures, and from the perspective of light-matter interaction at the micro- and nano-scale or molecular-atomic level.

3. Energy photonics: Design and preparation of high-efficiency photoelectric conversion materials, construction and optimization of photovoltaic devices, optical management engineering of devices, research of photoelectric conversion mechanisms.

4. Flexible optical technology and engineering: development of high-performance flexible substrates, design and preparation of solution-processable high-efficiency photoelectric conversion materials, research on printing/additive manufacturing and flexible solutions for device structures, and packaging and integration technology development of flexible devices.

IV. Study Period and Credits

The study period is generally 4 years for full-time doctoral students, and also4 years for students in the full-time combined master and doctor degree program(doctoral level). The extension of study period shall be applied for by students themselves, agreed by the superior or supervisory group, reviewed by the college, and approved by the Graduate School. The maximum study period should be implemented in accordance with the Regulations on the Management of Academic Registration of Graduate Studies of Nanjing Tech University, and within the extended period, doctoral students should no longer enjoy relevant financial support from the state and the university.

The minimum total credits required for doctoral students is 12, including 6 credits for courses (4 credits for public degree courses and 2 credits for professional degree courses), 2 credits for academic lecture training (at least 4 times), 2 credits for attending academic lectures/reports (at least 15 times), and 2 credits for attending international academic conferences or overseas exchange visits.

After entering the doctoral stage, students in the full-time combined master and doctor degree program should make up their doctoral cultivation sessions based on the cultivation plan for master students.

V. Curriculum Setting



Course number

Course name

Course name in English


Credit hours

Semester of course


Degree courses

Public degree courses



English for Doctoral Candidates




4 credits



Chinese Marxism in the

Contemporary Era






General Introduction of China




4 credits (courses for international students)



Comprehensive Chinese I




Professional degree courses



Advanced Optics




No less than 2 credits



Optical Electronics






Laser Optics






Academic report training


6 credits

Academic lectures/reports


Attending international academic conferences or overseas exchange visits



Students in the full-time combined master and doctor degree program (doctoral level) shall take different professional degree courses than those during the undergraduate period.

2. The courses marked with * are professional core courses.

VI. Compulsory Links Management

1. Academic report training (2 credits)

Doctoral students must make special reports at academic seminars as required. During the academic period, each doctoral student must make no less than 4 reports, and meet the needs of at least 4 reports in total to obtain 2 credits for academic report training.

2. Academic lectures/reports (2 credits)

Doctoral students must participate in academic seminars and labor education activities during their studies, including at least 15 academic seminars on and off campus (at least 5 academic seminars organized by the university and at least 2 lectures on humanities and aesthetics quality). They must also participate in the activities such as sunshine run on campus, sports meeting, volunteer work, and public service activities so as to receive 2 credits for academic lectures/reports/labour education. The credits for academic lectures/reports for students in the full-time combined master and doctor degree program are calculated independently in the master's and doctoral stages.

3. Attending international academic conferences or overseas exchange visits (2 credits)

Doctoral students must attend one international academic conference organized by authoritative academic institutions or overseas exchange visits for more than 3 months during their study period in order to obtain 2 credits for the session.

VII. Thesis

1. Basic requirements for thesis

The doctoral thesis is a centralized reflection of the cultivation quality and academic level of doctoral students, and should be a systematic, complete, and creative academic thesis completed by doctoral students independently under the collective guidance of their supervisors or supervisory groups. The thesis should reflect that doctoral students have mastered solid basic theoretical knowledge and systematic professional knowledge and research methods of the discipline, and have the ability to independently engage in scientific research or technical research and development and certain innovative ability.

Doctoral students should have excellent academic style and research ethics. The thesis should reflect doctoral students' own research results, and doctoral students must not falsify, copy or plagiarize the results of others.

The basic requirements for doctoral thesis are detailed in the Basic Requirements for Doctoral and Master's Degrees in First-Level Disciplines (published by Higher Education Press, edited by the Sixth Discipline Review Group of Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council). The requirements for thesis defense, review and degree application are detailed in the Detailed Rules for the Doctoral Thesis Defense and Review and Degree Application of Nanjing Tech University.

2. Thesis proposal

In principle, doctoral students in this discipline should complete the proposal report of their thesis before the end of the third semester. The numberof the proposal report words should be about 5000 ; more than 150 main references should be read, among which there should be at least 2/3 foreign references. The proposal report meeting should be held centrally and openly within the scope of the discipline, and the proposal report should be evaluated by an assessment panel consisting of three to five experts in the discipline or other related disciplines.

The requirements on the topic selection and proposal of the thesis for doctoral students are detailed in the Requirements for the Proposal of Graduate Students of Nanjing Tech University.

3. Mid-term assessment

The mid-term assessment of doctoral students is a comprehensive assessment and evaluation of their ideological and political performance, course study, scientific research progress and research ability since their enrollment, after their course study and proposal report are basically completed, to determine whether they are qualified to continue their doctoral studies. The doctoral students with "excellent" or "qualified" results will pass the mid-term assessment and be allowed to enter the doctoral thesis stage and continue their doctoral studies according to the plan. Those who do not attend the mid-term assessment for no reason may not apply for extension and will be treated as failing the mid-term assessment.

Each doctoral student has two opportunities to be assessed. Doctoral students with the first assessment result of "unqualified" will be given a triage warning and must attend the next mid-term assessment. Those who still fail in the second assessment are not suitable for further cultivation and will be disqualified from pursuing doctoral degree. If students in the full-time combined master and doctor degree program are suitable to be cultivated as master students, they may, upon their applications, pursue master's degrees according to the requirements for cultivation of master students.

The mid-term assessment of doctoral students is carried out in accordance with the "Measures for Implementation of Mid-term Assessment of Doctoral Students of Nanjing Tech University (Trial)".

4. Pre-defense (pre-review)

A pre-defense (pre-review) session should be scheduled for the doctoralthesis of doctoral students. Doctoral students should apply for the pre-defense (pre-review) of the thesisatthe specified time point. The pre-defense (pre-review) is conducted publicly, and the thesis is reviewed by an assessment panel composed of (at least three) experts in the discipline or other related disciplines. Graduate students who have passed the pre-defense (pre-review) should submit the relevant materials of the pre-defense (pre-review) to the Graduate School for record. Those who fail to pass the assessment must make substantial adjustments and improvementsto the thesisaccording to the opinions put forward by the assessment panel and then apply for the pre-defense (pre-review) of the thesis again according to the specified time. The requirements for the pre-defense of doctoral students in this discipline are detailed in the "Rules for the Pre-Defense of Doctoral Theses of the Institute of Advanced Materials of Nanjing Tech University".

5. Thesis review and defense

Doctoral students can apply for defense after completing all the links and credits stipulated in the cultivation plan. The specific requirements for thesis review and defense are detailed in the Detailed Rules for the Doctoral Thesis Defense and Review and Degree Application of Nanjing Tech University.

6. Academic achievement requirements

The academic achievements should be consistent with the direction of the thesis. The requirements are detailed in the Measures for Assessment of Scientific Research Achievements of Doctor's Degree Applicants of Nanjing Tech University.

VIII. Criteria for Graduation and Degree Awarding

The criteria for graduation and awarding degrees of doctoral students are in accordance with the relevant regulations of the university.
