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College of Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Engineering: Cao Fei

Tutor Information


Cao Fei



Date of Birth


Professional Title



Research Fields

Bio-reaction Engineering

Personal Profile

Education background:

In 2002, Professor Cao received a doctor's degree in biochemical engineering. From 2003 to now, Professor Cao takes up teaching in the College of Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Engineering of Nanjing Tech University. In 2014, Professor Cao conducted a one-year academic visit to the research group of Professor George W Huber, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison.


1 Second Prize of the National Higher Education Teaching Achievement Award, 1 First Prize of Jiangsu Provincial Higher Education Teaching Achievement Award, 1 Third Prize of Engineering Education Committee of China Association for Higher Education, 1 Second Prize and 1 Third Prize of Excellent Higher Education Research Achievement Award of China Higher Education Association of Chemical Industry, 1 Excellent Teaching Quality Award of the University, 2 First Prizes of Teaching Achievement of the University, the "Jiusi Elite" Award of the Nanjing Tech University, 1 Special Prize and 1 First Prize of Excellent Teaching Reform Paper of the University.

Representative Research Projects / Works / Papers

Scientific researches:

Professor Cao has directed and completed two projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and Nanjing Municipal Science and Technology Commission. Professor Cao has participated in the National Program on Key Basic Research Project (973 Program), including "Basic Research on Key Issues in Biocatalysis and Biotransformation", "Scientific Basis of New-Generation Biocatalysis and Biotransformation", National Natural Science Foundation Project -- "Research on Preparation of Furan Dicarboxylic Acid-Polyester Raw Material- by Dehydration and Cyclization of Gluconic Acid in Microwave Ionic Liquid", Jiangsu Provincial Natural Science Foundation Project "Study on a New Method for the Preparation of Amino Acid Side Chain Derivatives by Hydantoinase Method Based on a Co-protection Strategy using Hytantoin Ring", 1 Project of Nanjing Municipal Science and Technology Commission, and 2 Lateral Projects of Enterprises.

Articles and patents in recent years:

Feng Sha, Yucong Zheng, Jiao Chen, Kequan Chen, Fei Cao, Ming Yan and Pingkai OuyangaD-Tagatose manufacture through bio-oxidation of galactitol derived from waste xylose mother liquorGreen Chem., 2018,20, 2382-2391

Guocai Wang, Shigui Tang, Fei Cao, Hongli Wu, Honghua Jia, Ping Wei, and Pingkai OuyangPreparation of High Purity Lactide Using a High-Boiling-Point Alcohol Immobilization MethodInd. Eng. Chem. Res., 2018, 57 (22)7711–7716

Hongli Wu, Ting Huang, Fei Cao,Qiaogen Zou, Ping Wei, Pingkai Ouyang, Co-production of HMF and gluconic acid from sucrose by chemo-enzymatic method, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017,327:228–234
