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International Students Activities





Every October, Nanjing University of Technology campus marathon is in full swing, which is divided into three groups: 14 km mountain running, 7 km Mini marathon and 3.5 km fitness. All school students and sports enthusiasts can sign up to participate in each project. Everyone in the campus full of sweat, bloom youth, bravely fight for the champion. Every student who participates in the competition and completes the whole course will get medals and prizes. In the process of the competition, not only the joy of sports, but also enjoy the beautiful scenery of the campus.


一年一度的校运动会是丰富18新利客户端下载 生活、展示师生精神风貌的重要舞台。通过校运动会的举办,让同学们告别生活,活出青春朝气,把体育运动当作一种习惯,让身心健康成为一种追求,将全民健身作为一种风尚。比赛项目包含田径赛跑、立定跳远、拔河赛、垒球掷远等。

The annual school sport meeting is an important stage to enrich the cultural life on the campus and show the spirit of students. Taking sports as a habit, thinking the physical and mental health as a pursuit, and making the national fitness as a fashion, the students can keep the youth vigor through the activity. It includes track and field running, standing long jump, tug of war, softball throwing, and so on.



The development activities include four events: playing the concentric drum, not falling the forest, relay golf, and circling the bottle cap. The students were randomly divided into four groups to carry out activities in the form of team cooperation, and each project was enthusiastically participated by everyone. Everyone actively communicated with each other and made concerted efforts to complete various activities successfully. Through the activities, students' collective consciousness, rule awareness and participation consciousness are further enhanced. Students' positive attitude towards life and team spirit of helping each other are cultivated, which adds more bright colors to their study and life in China.


每年海外教育学院都会举办留学生国际文化节,吸引数百名中外学生积极参与。来自俄罗斯,哈萨克斯坦,孟加拉,蒙古等各个国家的留学生们会分别设立具有本国特色的文化展台。中外师生到各个展区品尝留学生们亲手制作的美食,试穿民族服饰,感受各国文化魅力。国际文化节为留学生们提供了宣传本国文化的舞台,展示了各国文化的魅力,促进了各国学生之间的文化交流,为18新利客户端下载 增添了靓丽的色彩。

Every year, the Nanjing University of Technology holds an international cultural festival for international students, which attracts hundreds of students from home and abroad. Students from Russia, Kazakhstan, Bangladesh, Mongolia and other countries will set up their own cultural booths. Chinese and foreign teachers and students will go to each exhibition area to taste the delicious food made by the students themselves, try on the national dress, and feel the charm of the cultures of various countries. The international cultural festival not only displays the charm of Chinese traditional culture, but also provides the stage for overseas students to propagandize the local customs and culture, promotes the cultural exchange between China and foreign countries, and adds beautiful colors to the campus culture.



Every year, the College of Overseas Education will hold Chinese speech contest, international students share the anecdotes of studying and living in China and the experience of learning Chinese culture, express the identification and love of Chinese culture. The contest builds a bridge of cultural exchange between China and foreign countries for foreign students, to enhance their understanding of Chinese and Chinese culture.
