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College of Safety Science and Engineering

In the College of Safety Science and Engineering, there are 3 teaching departments (i.e. Department of Safety Engineering, Department of Fire Control Engineering and Experiment Teaching Center), 4 scientific research institutes (i.e. Safety Engineering Research Institute, Fire and Fire Control Engineering Research Institute, Safety Production Detection and Inspection Center, and Safety Technology Service Center), 2 Postdoctoral Research Mobile Stations (i.e. Mining Engineering and Safety Science and Engineering, the First-Level Discipline), 1 majorwith the Qualification for Granting Doctoral Degree (i.e.Safety Science and Engineering, the First-Level Discipline), 1 major with the Qualification for Granting Professional Master Degree (i.e.Resources and Environment), and 2 majors with the Qualification for Granting Bachelor Degree (i.e.Safety Engineering and Fire Control Engineering).

In line with the needs of social & economic development, College of Safety Science and Engineering emphasizes characteristic development. After several year’s constructions, the college has formed a discipline-development landscape with Safety Science as the key discipline and Chemical Safety as characteristic discipline. It adheres to the integrated development of traditionaldominant disciplines of NTUlike Chemical Engineering, Materials Science and Machinery, and works out the discipline-development goal and direction that foreground Industrial Process Safety. Safety Science and Engineering was listed inJiangsu Province Key Disciplinesin 2006, inJiangsu Province Funded and Constructed Dominant Disciplines in Universitiesin 2011, andJiangsu Province Constructed Dominant Disciplines in Universities Phase-II Projectand Phase-III Project in 2014 and 2018 respectively. College of Safety Science and Engineering owns 4 provincial & ministerial key laboratories, i.e. Jiangsu Province Key Laboratory of Urban and Industrial Safety, Jiangsu Province Key Laboratory of Hazardous Chemicals Intrinsic Safety and Control Technology, China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation (CPCIF) Key Laboratory of Chemical Process Safety Control, and Ministry of Emergency Management Key Laboratory of Chemical Process Safe Production. Safety Engineering was listed inPilot Majors for the Training Plan of National Outstanding Engineers, the First-BatchNational Characteristic Majors (2008),Brand Majors in Jiangsu Province(2006), Key Majorsin Jiangsu Province(2012), Jiangsu Province Brand Major Construction Project for Universities Phase-I Project (2015) and Phase-II Project (2019), and National First-Class Undergraduate Major Construction Sites (2019). In 2020, Safety Engineering passed ChinaEngineering Education Certificationorganized by the Higher Education Evaluation Center of the Ministry of Education.In the Fourth Round China Discipline Ranking (CDR) by China Academic Degrees & Graduate Education Development Center (CDGDC) of the Ministry of Education in 2016, Safety Science and Engineering of NTU was rated asB+.

Presently, the college has more than 50 teaching staff and researchers. Among them, 1 is listed in the “National Talents Program”, 1in “Young and Middle-Aged Scientific and Technological Innovation Leading Talents” of the Ministry of Science and Technology, 2 in “National Ten Million Talents Program”, 1 in “National Excellent Scientific and Technological Workers”, 1 in “National Young and Middle-Aged Experts with Outstanding Contributions”, 1 in “China Science and Technology Award for Young Scientists”, 1 in “Young Backbone Teachers Program” of the Ministry of Education, 1 in “New Century Excellent Talents Supporting Program” of the Ministry of Education, and 1 in “Special Allowance for National Experts of the State Council”. Additionally, more than 20 teachers are listed in talent programs like “Jiangsu Province Outstanding Young Talents”, “Jiangsu Province Distinguished Professors”, the “First-BatchYoung and Middle-Aged Scientific and Technological Innovation Leading Talents” of“333 High-Level Talents Training Project” in Jiangsu Province, and Jiangsu Province “Six Talents Peaks” High-Level Talents. Research teams in the college are listed in “Young Teachers Training Project Scientific and Technological Innovation Team of Colleges and Universities in Jiangsu Province”, “Excellent Scientific and Technological Innovation Team of Colleges and Universities in Jiangsu Province”, China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation (CPCIF) Innovation Teams and Jiangsu Province “Six Talents Peaks” High-Level Talents Innovation Talents Team. The college invites Zhou Yunji, academician of Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences and professor at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, professor Wang Qingsheng from Texas A & M University and professor Lu Zhaoming from the City University of Hong Kong as guesting professors.

In scientific research, College of Safety Science and Engineering aims at cutting-edge science and technology. In academic research, the college closely combines the construction needs of national and local major projects, and establishes 4 distinctive research directions, i.e. Hazardous Chemical Safety, Chemical Process Safety, Chemical Hazardous Device Safety and Industrial Major Accident Prevention & Control. In recent years, the college has undertaken more than 60 national and provincial & ministerial scientific research projects (e.g. National Key R&D Program and National Natural Science Foundation Key Projects, with an average received annual research fund of 25 millionyuan), published more than 200 SCI / EI papers and 8 academic monographs, and obtained more than 50 National Authorized Patents, 1-timeSecond Prize of State Scientific and Technological Progress Award,and 15 awards for Scientific & Technological Achievements at or above Provincial & Ministerial Levels.

In undergraduate teaching, College of Safety Science and Engineering centers on the needs of students, attaches equal importance to theoretical research and teaching practice, and highlights the cultivation of student’s ability in engineering. On the basis of the qualification for safety assessment and provincial-level safe-production standardization assessment, the college provides excellent practice platform to improve students’ engineering ability in practice. It strengthens the university-enterprise cooperation, and successively establishes internship bases at Sinopec Nanjing Chemical Industries Co., Ltd, Nanjing Oil Refinery Co., Ltd. and other enterprises. The college invites famous entrepreneurs to give lectures and encourages students to practice in enterprises. To teach and practice in a better way, teaching assistants are set up according to various posts. The Student-Post-Internship Modelallows students to serve enterprise’s production with professional knowledge they have learned. The college continuously perfects teaching-management model and implements the reform of relevant teaching systems to improve the quality of undergraduate teaching. It successively compiles and publishes 14 professional textbooks and wins more than 10 provincial & ministerial teaching achievement awards.

In social services, the College of Safety Science and Engineering has made significant contributions to boosting the transformation of scientific & technological achievements and the development of local economy in recent years. In safety-related technology training, the college undertakes the training on improving the professional competence in safety supervision among provincial and municipal safety supervision departments (e.g. Gansu Provincial Safety Supervision Bureau, Changzhou Municipal Safety Supervision Bureau and Kunshan Municipal Safety Supervision Bureau) and the training on registered safety engineer and registered fire control engineer. In risk analysis & evaluation, the college completes the risk analysis & evaluation for large-scale chemical industrial parks (e.g. Jiangsu Binhai Economic Development Zone Chemical Industries Park, Dalian Dagushan Chemical Industries Park, Kunshan Qiandeng Chemical Industries Park and Lianyungang Chemical Industries Park) and the process-risk researches for corporations like China Shenhua (Ordos) Coal to Liquid and Chemical Co., Ltd, Sinopec Nanjing Chemical Industries Co., Ltd and Jiangsu Dynamic Chemical Co., Ltd., which provide strong technological support and guarantee for the safe operation of them.

In international cooperation and academic exchanges, the College of Safety Science and Engineering successively hosted or organized International Conference on Safety Science and Technology (hosting and organizing in 2012 and hosting in 2014 and 2018), Sino-USA & Sino-French Bilateral Academic Seminar on Chemical Process Safety (2015), The 8th International Symposium on Fire Science and Fire Control Engineering (2017), The 3rd China International Symposium on Chemical Process Safety (2017), The 3rd International Conference on Urban and Industrial Safety (2019), and The 32nd National Annual Conference on Safety Science and Engineering in Colleges and Universities (2020). Funded by exchange & cooperation projects like Sino-French Programme XU Guangqi and Programme CAI Yuanpei, China Scholarship Council and Jiangsu Provincial Government Study Abroad Fund, 30 scholars in the college pursue further studies in American, Canadian and French scientific research institutes. This continually enhances the academic influence and popularity of the college in China and the world.
