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College of Materials Science and Engineering

College of Materials Science and Engineering enjoys long history and establishes deep tradition. It develops from Department of Chemical Engineering of National Central University, which had a history of over 100 years and founded the first major of silicate in China.

Now the college has five departments/majors (i.e. Department of Inorganic Materials and Engineering, Department of Materials Physics and Chemistry, Department of Composite Materials, Department of Polymers and Department of Metal Materials and Metallurgy Engineering),1First-Level Disciplinewith the Qualification for Granting Doctoral Degree (i.e. Materials Science and Engineering; 3 Second-Level Disciplines); 1Postdoctoral Research Mobile Station,1First-Level Discipline with the Qualification for Granting Master Degree (i.e. Materials Science and Engineering),1First-Level Discipline with the Qualification for Granting Professional Master Degree (i.e. Materials and Chemical Engineering), and 6 majors for undergraduates (i.e. Materials Science and Engineering, listed in National Characteristic Majors and National First-Class Majors; Inorganic Non-metal Materials Engineering, listed in Brand Majors in Jiangsu Province and National First-Class Majors; Polymer Materials and Engineering, listed in National First-Class Majors; Composite Materials and Engineering, listed in Jiangsu Province First-Class Majors; Metal Materials and Engineering; and Metallurgy Engineering).Materials Science and Engineering (First-Level Discipline) is listed inDominant Disciplines in Jiangsu Province, Key Disciplines in Jiangsu Province, National Key First-Level Discipline Cultivation and Construction Sites and GF Characteristic Disciplines. Materials Physics and Chemistry & Materials Science (Second-Level Discipline) are listed in Key Disciplines in Jiangsu Province.

The college is listed in Comprehensive Reform Pilot Units of Full-TimeProfessional Degree Graduate Education of the Ministry of Education in the field of Materials Engineering, National Talent Training Model Innovation Experimental Zones in Materials Science and Engineering and GF FunctionalComposite MaterialsResearch Base. Besides, it isan important supporting unitfor the First-Batch Pilot Universities for “Excellent Engineer” Program of theMinistry of Education, National Engineering Practice Teaching Center, National Key Laboratories of Materials Chemistry and Engineering andJiangsu Province Advanced Biological and Chemical Manufacturing National Collaborative Innovation Center.

Presently, the college has 170 faculty members. Among them, there are 126 full-time teachers, 3 academicians of Chinese Academy of Engineering (2 distinguished academicians), 57 professors, 47 associate professors, 21 doctoral supervisors and 84 master supervisors. 2 are listed in National Outstanding Teachers, 3 in Chief Scientists of National “973” Program, 1 member of National Committee for the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, 4 in Senior Talents with Outstanding Contributions Program, 1 in Top 10 Outstanding Patent Inventors in Jiangsu Province, 2 inYoung and Middle-Aged Scientific and Technological Leading Talents of “333 Program” in Jiangsu Province,9 in Scientific and TechnologicalLeading Talents“333 Program” in Jiangsu Province, 13 inYoung and Middle-Aged Academic Leading Talentsof Young Teachers Training Project in Jiangsu Province,3 in Excellent Graduate Supervisors at Provincial & Ministerial Level, 1 in Jiangsu Provincial Department of Personnel “Six Talents Peaks” Five-Year Construction Excellent Talents, and 2 in Top 10 Scientific and Technological Stars in Nanjing. There are 5 distinguished professors and 46 part-time professors. They form a team of teachers with reasonable echelon, strong cohesion, high academic level and excellent innovation competence.

The college adheres tothe principles of “educating students for the Party and cultivating talents for the country”. It closely centers on the cultivation of talents andcontinually improves the training standards of professional talents, and actively promotes international talent training.In the past 70 years, scholars in the college have established and passed down admirable academic tradition. Totally, the college has cultivated more than 18,000 high-quality talents represented by outstanding alumni. They are Jiang Dongliang, Cao Xianghong and Xu Delong, who are academicians of Chinese Academy of Engineering; Shi Jianlin, academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Chen Zhongwei, academician of the Canadian Academy of Engineering and the Academy of Science of the Royal Society of Canada, and Cai Yuliang, a master of engineering survey and design in China. Lots of alumni have made important contributions to the cause of the Party and the country in various walks of life and earned extensive praise for their alma mater and the college.

Currently, there are more than 2,800 undergraduates and postgraduates in the college, who can apply for 7 social scholarships like “Lingfeng Scholarship” and “Boyun Scholarship” with the total amount of more than 300,000yuan/ year.The graduation rate, degree-awarding rate and employment rate of the college all rank the top in NanjingTech University.In terms of the achievements on teaching reform, the college obtains the Special Prize and Second Prize of Jiangsu Province Colleges and Universities Teaching Achievements Award, and the Third Prize of Jiangsu Province Postgraduate Training Model Reform. In terms of discipline teaching achievements, the college wins the First Prize of National Excellent Teaching Achievements, National Excellent Textbook Award and Provincial and Industrial Excellent Course Award.

The college owns numerous high-level scientific research platforms: National Key Laboratory of Materials Chemistry and Engineering, Jiangsu Province Key Laboratory of Inorganic and Composite Materials, Jiangsu Province Research Center of Non-metallic FunctionalComposite Materials and Engineering, Jiangsu Province Research Center of Marine Advanced Materials Engineering and Technology, Research and Detection Center of Aggregate Alkali Activity in Building Materials Industry, Jiangsu Province Basic Experiment Teaching Demonstration Center of Materials Science and Engineering, Jiangsu Province Advanced Biological and Chemical Manufacturing National Collaborative Innovation Center (High-Performance Cementitious Materials Manufacturing and Application Sub-Center),Jiangsu University Collaborative Innovation Center (Advanced Inorganic Functional Composite Materials),National Research Base of Functional Composite New Materials, and China-Russia Joint Laboratory (under construction).

In ESI (Essential Science Indicators) Rankings, the rank ofMaterials Science and Engineering keeps rising for several years. Itranked top 1% in ESI Rankings inNovember 2021.In the Fourth Round China Discipline Ranking (CDR), Materials Science and Engineering is rated asB+, which ties for the 18th with other universities in China and the 1st withNanjing University and Soochow University in Jiangsu Province.The college maintains prominent characteristics and advantages in scientific research fields of Concrete Cement Basic Materials, Cutting-edge Technologies and New Materials, Functional Polymers Materials, High-tech Ceramics Materials,Composite Materials and Metal Corrosion and Protection. In terms of scientific research achievements, the college has wonState Natural Science Award, State Scientific and Technological Progress Award and State Technological Invention Award. As a famous discipline construction site, the college enjoyshigh popularity and great influence in China and the world. Since the “12th Five-Year Plan”, the college has undertaken more than 1,000 projects at various levels, likeNational “973” Program, National “863” Program, National Science and Technology Support Program and National Natural Science Foundation, with a science & technology fund of more than300 millionyuan.It has achieved major breakthroughs in multiple fields and forged remarkable characteristics and advantages in the transformation of major achievements and the services for industries and enterprises, making positive contributions to relevant national industries as well as the development of local economy in Jiangsu Province.

In the future, the college will continually uphold the goal of Building an Industrial Power in Made in China 2025, highlight intelligent manufacturing, integrate new-generation information technology to optimize structural adjustment and transformation & upgrading, deepen the integration of industry and university, vigorously promote the publication of high-level papers, major original innovation and the R& D and transformation of key technological achievements, strengthen the construction of Innovation Team of the Ministry of Education, innovate the work in Jiangsu Province Collaborative Innovation Center, make breakthroughs in key scientific research fields in line with the strategy of “Short-term Achievement Orientation and Long-term Problem Orientation”, and cultivate innovative and compound talents.

(Updated in November 2021)
