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College of Electrical Engineering and Control Science

The precursor of the College of Electrical Engineering and Control Science was Department of Chemical Machinery founded inNanjing Chemical Engineering Collegein 1958. In 1977, it started to recruit students in the major of Chemical Automation and Instruments. In 1994, the Department of Automation and Computer was established. In May 2001,Nanjing Chemical Engineering Universitymerged with Nanjing Architecture and Engineering College, after which Nanjing Tech University took shape.In 2002, the College of Automation was organized based on relevant majors inNanjing Chemical Engineering Universityand Nanjing Architecture and Engineering College, which was renamedCollege of Automation and Electrical Engineering in December 2008 and College of Electrical Engineering and Control Science in April 2015.

The college has teaching units (e.g. Department of Industrial System and Automation, Department of Power System and Automation, Department of Measurement & Control Technology and Instruments, Department of Building System and Automation, Department of Intelligent Manufacturing and Automation Experiment & Teaching Center) and management units (e.g. Office of College of Electrical Engineering and Control Science, Office of Student Affairs, Youth League Committee, Office of Discipline Construction and Office of Teaching Management). The college covers a construction area ofc.8,000 square meters for teaching and scientific research and owns various teaching and scientific research equipment, whose fixed assets reach approximately 25 millionyuan.

The college has1 Second-Level Disciplinewith the Qualification for Granting Doctoral Degree (i.e. Power Engineering andAutomation),2First-Level Disciplines with the Qualification for Granting Master Degree (i.e. Control Science andEngineering and Electrical Engineering),1Discipline with the Qualification for Granting Professional Master Degree (i.e. Electronic Information), and 5undergraduatemajors (Automation, Electrical Engineering and Automation, Measurement & Control Technology and Instruments, Electrical and Intelligent Building and Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering). Specifically,Automation is listed in National First-Class Undergraduate Major Construction Sites and the First-Batch Characteristic Majors in Jiangsu Province. Electrical Engineering and Automation is listed in the National First-Class Undergraduate Major Construction Sites and the First-Batch Pilot Majors for Excellent Engineer Program of the Ministry of Education, and approved by Engineering Education Certification. Measurement & Control Technology and Instrument is listed in Jiangsu Province First-Class Major Construction Sites and approved by Engineering Education Certification. Electrical and Intelligent Building was successfully approved by Engineering Education Professional Certification of the Ministry of Education in 2020. AndNanjing Tech University boasts the first and onlyuniversity that obtains professional certification in the major.

The college establishes several scientific research platforms like Jiangsu Province Key Laboratory of Digital Manufacturing and Control Technology of Industrial Equipment” (co-construction), Jiangsu Province Green Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering Research Center, and Jiangsu Province Automation Experiment Demonstration Teaching Center. It jointly builds professional laboratories with many well-known corporations worldwide like ROCKWELL in the United States and SIEMENS in Germany. It owns 8 university-level scientific research institutes like Automation Research Center, Control Engineering Center. Intelligent System and Robot Research Institute. It is the affiliated unit of the Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence Intelligent Detection and Motion Control Committee, China Electrotechnical Society Electrical Engineering Education Professional Committee and Jiangsu Province National Computer Grade Examination Technological Service Center.

The college has a teaching team with reasonable professional title, educational background and age structure, and forms a complete talent-training system. Presently, there are 100 teaching staff, including 10 professors, 53 associate professors, and 77 full-time teachers (55 holding doctoral degrees). There are 1,725 undergraduates and 261 full-time masters and doctoral students. The college has cultivated more than 10,000 alumni represented by Professor Qian Feng, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering; Professor Su Hongye, director of National Key Laboratory of Industrial Control Technology at Zhejiang University; Tang Ye, board chairman of Shanghai Friendess Electronics Technology Co., Ltd., a listed company on the STAR market; and Wang Bin, board chairman of Shanghai Data Center Science Co., Ltd.

The college always centers on talent training, undertakes the mission of “First-Class Teaching and First-Class Innovation”, gives priority to “Building a First-Class Talent Team, Majors & Disciplines and Institutional Procedure”, actively develops electrical automation, industrial automation, construction automation and service automation, highlights key development direction, seeks social support with high-quality service and development, vigorously cultivates talents with innovative and entrepreneurial spirit in the fields of automation and intelligent manufacturing that highly satisfy the social needs, accelerates the construction of high-level college with distinctive characteristics in the field of Electrical Engineering and Control Science, and serves national and local industrial transformation and economic development. In recent three years, the college has won the Second Prize of National Teaching Achievements and the First Prize of Jiangsu Province Teaching Achievements, with one course listed in National First-Class Courses.

The college attaches great importance to domestic and international academic exchanges and cooperation. In 2017, the Joint Train Full-Time Postgraduates (Machine Vision) Program withUniversité de Bourgogne (France)was approved by the Ministry of Education. In 2019,“2+2” Joint Training Project for Undergraduates in Electrical Engineering and Automation withthe University of Queensland (Australia)was approved, via which students can obtain the graduation certificate and bachelor’s degree certificate ofNanjing Tech Universityand the degree certificate ofthe University of Queensland(identical with the certificates obtained by Australian students). Besides, the collegerecruits foreign undergraduates and foreign postgraduates in the majors of Automation and Control Science and Engineering respectively.

The college lays stress on strengthening students’ innovative and entrepreneurial capabilities. Students have displayed excellent results in various discipline competitions at provincial and national levels: the Special Prize of National College Students Energy Saving and Emission Reduction Competition and the First Prize of National College Students Intelligent Car Race, as well as remarkable achievements in “Internet +” National College Students Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, China College Students “Challenge Cup” Entrepreneurship Planning Competition, National College Students Mathematical Modeling Contest, “SIEMENS Cup” China Intelligent Manufacturing Challenge, “AB Cup” National Automation System Application Competition and Robot Competition. Graduates possess a high-level development platform and broad development space.

The college actively meets major needs of national and regional development. In particular, it forges a series of distinctive research directions and achievements in Control Theory and Application, Process Control, High Voltage Plasma Technology, Power Electronics Conversion Technology and Intelligent Robot. In recent years, the college has obtained 20 projects funded by National Natural Science Foundation (1 key project) and more than 50 invention patents, and published 5 monographs and more than 150 SCI papers, with an annual scientific research fund exceeding 26 millionyuan.
