赵权宇,新利18彩票 教授,博士生导师。2005年在中科院大连化学物理研究所获得工学博士学位。2005-2010年在日本九州工业大学从事博士后研究。曾任中国科学院上海高等研究院研究员,上海科技大学特聘教授,2012年入选上海市“浦江人才”计划。Briefings in Bioinformatics编委,Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology副主编,Algal Researech客座主编。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目,上海市农委科技兴农项目等。目前致力于环境生物技术和生物信息学的研究。发表国际期刊论文40余篇,中文期刊20篇,授权中国发明专利14件,美国发明专利2件。
1)Xueqing Zhong, Xiangxiang Zhang, Tianyi Zhou, Guangping Lv, Quanyu Zhao*. Exploring kinetics, removal mechanism and possible transformation products of tigecycline byChlorella Pyrenoidosa.Science of The Total Environment,817, 152988, 2022.
2)Yali Zhu, Xin Li, Yujiao Wang, Lujing Ren, Quanyu Zhao*. Lutein extraction by imidazolium-based ionic liquid-water mixture from dried and freshChlorellasp.Algal Research, 60, 102528, 2021.
3)Xueqing Zhong, Yali Zhu, Yujiao Wang, Quanyu Zhao*, He Huang*. Effects of three antibiotics on growth and antioxidant response ofChlorella pyrenoidosaandAnabaena cylindrica. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety,211, 111954,2021.
4)Quanyu Zhao*, He Huang*. Adaptive Evolution Improves Algal Strains for Environmental Remediation.Trends in Biotechnology, 39(2), 112-115, 2021.
5)Lujing Ren, Xiaoman Sun, Lihui Zhang, He Huang, Quanyu Zhao*. Exergy analysis for docosahexaenoic acid production by fermentation and strain improvement by adaptive laboratory evolution forSchizochytriumsp.Bioresource Technology, 298, 122562, 2020.
6)Dengjin Li, Yizhong Yuan, Dujia Cheng, Quanyu Zhao*. Effect of light quality on growth rate, carbohydrate accumulation, fatty acid profile and lutein biosynthesis ofChlorellasp. AE10.Bioresource Technology, 291, 121783, 2019.
7)Han Li, Quanyu Zhao*, He Huang. Current states and challenges of salt-affected soil remediation by cyanobacteria.Science of The Total Environment, 669, 258-272, 2019.
8)Dujia Cheng, Xuyang Li, Yizhong Yuan, Chengyu Yang, Tao Tang, Quanyu Zhao*, Yuhan Sun. Adaptive evolution and carbon dioxide fixation ofChlorellasp. in simulated flue gas.Science of The Total Environment, 650, 2931-2938, 2019.
9)Wenqiang Qi, Shouhua Mei, Yizhong Yuan, Xuyang Li, Tao Tang, Quanyu Zhao*, Minghong Wu, Wei Wei, Yuhan Sun.Enhancing fermentation wastewater treatment by co-culture of microalgae with volatile fatty acid- and alcohol-degrading bacteria.Algae Research, 31, 31-39, 2018.
10)Xuyang Li, Yizhong Yuan, Dujia Cheng, Juan Gao, Lingzhao Kong, Quanyu Zhao*, Wei Wei, Yuhan Sun. Exploring stress tolerance mechanism of evolved freshwater strainChlorellasp. S30 under 30 g/L salt.Bioresource Technology,250,495-504, 2017
11)Dujia Cheng, Dengjin Li, Yizhong Yuan, Lin Zhou, Xuyang Li, Tong Wu, Liang Wang, Quanyu Zhao*, Wei Wei, Yuhan Sun.Improving carbohydrate and starch accumulation product ofChlorellasp. AE10 by a novel two stage process with cell dilution.Biotechnology for Biofuels,10, 75, 2017
12)Lin Zhou, Dujia Cheng,Liang Wang, Juan Gao, Quanyu Zhao*, Wei Wei, Yuhan Sun. Comparative transcriptomic analysis reveals phenol tolerance mechanism of evolvedChlorellastrain.BioresourceTechnology,227,266-272, 2017
13)Libo Wang, Chuizhao Xue, Liang Wang, Quanyu Zhao*, Wei Wei, Yuhan Sun. Strain improvement ofChlorellasp. for phenol biodegradation by adaptive laboratory evolution.Bioresource Technology, 205,264-268, 2016
14)Dengjin Li, Liang Wang, Quanyu Zhao*, Wei Wei, Yuhan Sun. Improving high carbon dioxide tolerance and carbon dioxide fixation capability ofChlorellasp. by adaptive laboratory evolution.Bioresource Technology, 185,269-275, 2015
15)Shuiyan Yu,QuanyuZhao*,XiaolingMiao,JipingShi. Enhancement of lipid production in low-starch mutantsChlamydomonas reinhardtiiby adaptive laboratory evolution.Bioresource Technology, 147,499–507, 2013
16)Quanyu Zhao, Hiroyuki Kurata*. Genetic modification of flux for flux prediction of mutants.Bioinformatics, 25(13): 1702-1708, 2009